My next words are cut off at the sounds of feet pounding down the hallway. One moment we are alone, and in the next, we are surrounded.

No matter what it takes, I will keep my promise to protect her.




Absolute chaos. That’s the only way I can describe the scene before me. More aliens than I thought possible cram themselves into one small room, a mass of wings, tails, and unidentifiable body parts. My foot slips from beneath me, and clinging to Jaraz is the only thing that stops me from falling. And is that slime!? Just great, I always wanted to visit a giant alien mosh pit.

Jaraz practically lifts me up as he maneuvers us further into the room. Normally, I’d despise being restricted like this, the need to have freedom of movement, and the ability to run is overwhelming... but I feel safe in his arms. I trust Jaraz to protect me. And let’s be real, in this crowd, I’d probably get trampled without him.

A quick glance over Jaraz’s shoulder reveals several more aliens pushing their way into the room. Only these ones aren’t quite the same as the others. For starters, they are all dressed in dark blue. Many have pins and medals pinned to their chests. It’s undeniable; this must be some sort of uniform.

Silence descends.

“Why have the Federation’s Peacekeepers boarded my ship?” A voice rings out, laced with fury. The snake-captain rises on his tail, looking enraged. And up, up, he goes... My eyes widen as he nears the ceiling, confident that he’s about to knock himself unconscious. Sure enough, a loud thud echoes around the room, and the captain’s green body sways.

No one seems to pay him any mind. Is this a common occurrence? I suppose concussions are just part of the job description.

An alien pushes his way into the center of the room. My first thought is how his golden skin—no, his scales—contrast really nicely with the dark blue of his navy uniform. I finally notice the wings he’s sporting. I don’t even know how he fit through the doorway! I swear, spaceships and space stations just aren’t designed with alien anatomy in mind... An indoor architect and designer would make an absolute killing in this world—or the lack thereof. Maybe I should consider a career change.

“My name is Commander Alder, and I am here to inspect this ship!” The winged alien announces, holding his head high. His dark eyes scan the room as if he owns it, as if he’s not surrounded by ferocious-looking aliens who are all glaring at him.

“Under whose orders?” The captain demands as he rubs his scalp, his cheeks flushed. “You can’t just go boarding anyone’s ship for any old reason, you know?”

“Of course not! I’m here because... the law states...” Commander Alder replies, scowling down at his upraised arm. I belatedly realize that he’s looking at a watch. Everyone in the room stands and stares at him as he scrolls, oblivious to the mounting impatience around him. Seriously, did this guy even read the rule book before boarding?

“Galactic Law 262C, made under an accord with the planet Tenebris, states that any vehicle of land or space-based origin may be searched with due cause,” another naga calls out. The exasperated look he sends the Commander makes me wonder if this is a normal occurrence.

“What’s the due cause then, huh?” The captain slithers back and forth, glaring at the two Peacekeepers. Considering everyone’s current moods, they aren’t very good at their jobs.


The room is already silent. Now, you could hear a pin drop. I could cut the tension with a butter knife. It’s so thick that I can hardly breathe.

“Anyway, I’m pretty duty bound to find the perpetrators. After all, justice must be served.”

I’d agree, but right now I have a really, really bad feeling that he’s referring to me. Commander Alder’s eyes flick from alien to alien, assessing each of us. Sure enough, they land on me, and his face lights up with recognition.

The thing I hate about panic attacks—at least the ones I get—is the sense of doom that comes with them; that inescapable moment when you are absolutely certain things can’t get any worse than they already are. When the Commander’s eyes land on me, I immediately identify the feeling of an oncoming attack.

This is it. This is the moment they lock me up, throw me out the airlock, and I die. I’m done for.

“Hey!” The Commander’s gaze hardens at the same time I hear shouting from behind me. I turn to see Jaraz’s backside and pointy tail disappear as he pushes his way through the crowd.

Is he running?

In moments, the police—I’m assuming they are police at this point—have surrounded him. I cry out as one jabs at him with a laser, and his whole body drops to the floor. Still, he doesn’t stop fighting the restraining hands, even as he’s brought back to my side.

I stare down at him dumbly.

“Did you just leave me behind?” I ask him, barely processing what happened. He promised to look after me, didn’t he? Did he really just abandon me? After everything we’ve been through.

“Were you working with this male, little female?” A voice asks in my ear. I spin, yelping, to discover the Commander standing so close. He leans towards me, giving me a perfect view of his sharp, pointy teeth.

Oh, please don’t let aliens eat the guilty. I’d much rather die via airlock.