Her touch sends a jolt through me. I find myself drawn to her, to her warmth and compassion. How is it that this tiny female has come to mean so much to me in such a short time? I resist the urge to wrap her up in my arms. Or better yet, carry her off to our sleep quarters to climb beneath the blankets with her.
“I used to guard a member of the royal family,” I explain quietly, alert to anyone listening in. “My people are on the brink of civil war, and certain events lead to the Prince fleeing. To aid his escape, I went my own way and left a trail to be followed.”
I hold my breath, waiting for her judgment. Now she knows that I’m not some mere criminal but a wanted male. The royal family, at least what remains of it, is actively searching for me. They won’t hesitate to destroy anything or anyone between them and their goals—including a vulnerable female.
Instead, Kayla simply nods, unperturbed. This confounding female jumps at her own shadow but doesn't bat an eye at my wanted status. Go figure.
“And now you want to meet back up with him?” She asks.
“I don’t have to, but over the years… he’s a good male, better than most. I just…” My words drift off as I search for a way to explain.
"He became a friend. You'd like to make sure he's alright," Kayla says, providing the words I can't find. "It's logical to want to seek out your friend. That speaks volumes about your character. You're a good man, Jaraz."
A lump forms in my throat at her declaration. I trained hard to join the Royal Guard, sometimes doing questionable things. I was privy to a lot of restricted knowledge, much that society would condemn me for just by association. For a long time now I’ve accepted that I’m not the honorable male I once set out to be. Unable to respond, I squeeze Kayla's shoulder, fighting the urge to kiss her senseless or avoid her seeing me emotional.
"Captivity has changed me," Kayla comments. "I didn't question every action before. It sounds so silly, but now it seems that just leaving the room to get a drink can be downright terrifying at times.”
Her words confirm my suspicions of her past. It only heightens my need to keep her close and safe.
"You've been through much, yet you're still standing. There's no shame in needing to protect yourself," I tell her, considering how I might ease her fears. Teaching her to use weapons, perhaps? Of course, I’d ensure she’ll never find herself in a position to use them…
"Maybe I've always been a bit of a hot mess," Kayla laughs bitterly. "Before the abduction, I was a waitress. The fear was real then too. Just the thought of paying rent on time… To be honest, I think I've always been walking on eggshells."
I tilt her chin up, forcing her to meet my gaze. "Having anxiety doesn't make you a bad person. You deserve the best, despite your fears. You don't need to feel guilty."
Tears gather in her lashes as she stares up at me. "If I wasn't so silly?—"
"You are not silly!" I cup her cheeks. "You are perfect just as you are."
She shakes her head, unable to believe me. No matter; I’ll tell her over and over again until she believes them. “If I hadn’t gone back to double check that I locked the restaurant doors... or if I hadn’t been so afraid of the space station, I might have escaped Grum... or...”
"You've done enough. You don't need to do more," I tell her, pressing my forehead to hers as I wrap her in my arms.
We’ve both done enough. If life had gone differently, I might never have met Kayla. I’d take her suffering away in a heartbeat, but at the same time, I’d never ask her to change who she was.
"You are brave, Kayla. You stood up to Grum, outsmarted the Guards! Any male would have to be crazy not to fall for you."
Kayla looks at me with hopeful eyes. “I... do you, I mean, could you?”
There is so much fear in her eyes... and so much hope. She wants to be loved. Her question hangs between us; could I fall in love with her?
I think I may already have.
"Kayla, I?—"
Just as I’m about to profess my undying love, the ship jolts violently, slamming us into a wall. So much for my smooth moves!
“If I’m not mistaken, we’re being boarded,” I say calmly, while internally freaking out. I am still a simple male with simple needs. And right now, the need to hide Kayla away and protect her is overwhelming.
I’ll die before I let anything hurt her.
“Stay close, Kayla. If we get separated, head to our room. Can you do that?”
She nods, eyeing the hallway. Her eyes dart and I can only imagine she’s trying to recall the directions.
“I will come for you. No matter what happens, I will protect you. Kayla, I l?—“