The Gods enjoy the avarice of power that the Day of Descendance brings.
If I could have prevented Kiera from attending this event, I would have. The idea of others looking upon her bare skin and knowing that all it would take is one small tear and she’d be naked before them makes me want to shove my fist through a wall. Unfortunately, however, the invitation that we received at midnight had specifically included her name along with a request from Dolos, himself. No matter my own wishes, no one disregards Dolos’ requests.
The grand hall that’s been prepared specifically for tonight’s festivities hovers ahead like a specter of wanton abandon and danger. Echoes of moans and cries of both pain and pleasure slip from beneath the large ornate double doors as we approach. Laughter and clinking glasses are there too, but it’s those moans that make my whole body go stiff. A searing sensation touches the back of my neck and creeps down my spine as I turn my gaze back to the Terra standing between Ruen and Kalix.
Cool, storm cloud eyes are fixated on those doors. Kiera’s face is contemplative, as if she’s completely forgotten her dress—or lack thereof. The sick stench of anxiety rolls off her in waves, though no one else seems to notice it.
Has she finally reached the end of her bravery? Does she think that Dolos intends to kill her in front of the Academy tonight? He’s a cruel bastard, that’s for sure, like most Gods—but once he’s passed down a sentence, he’s not the type to change his mind. Everything now seems to be designed purely to remind her of her place.
I wonder if his intentions have finally worked.
“Wait.” Kalix draws Kiera to a stop and she stiffens as he reaches into his pocket and withdraws a long slip of fabric. Despite its dark color, the same onyx of his clothes, it’s sheer, easy enough to see through. My mouth curves down at the sight of it. “All Terra are required to wear these.”
My scowl deepens as Kalix slips the blindfold over her eyes. She stiffens but doesn’t resist. He deftly ties it at the back of her head, trailing a finger through the spiderweb-colored hair there. His lips twitch as if this is all a joke to him. It makes my fists tighten at my sides with the urge to punch him in that stupid smug face of his. I repress the urge. The Gods will be gathered together today and they will be watching.
Kiera doesn’t say a word as she blinks behind the lace, see-through fabric now hovering over her eyes. She looks like a depiction of the first Terra that served the Gods. Beautiful. Blinded. Chained. A captive of the ancient days and a stunning sacrifice to the desires of the Gods.
I look like a whore for the Gods. Her words circulate in my mind.
The blindfold is not meant to make her sightless, but to remind her that, without the Gods, mortals would still be ignorant to the blessing of the Divine Beings.
Her breath catches in her chest as Kalix leans close and kisses her cheek, his lips moving over her skin with deliberate slowness. His eyes lift and connect with mine. Teeth flash and unconsciously, I step forward.
“That’s enough,” I snap, reaching for Kiera’s hand. Her fingers are cold against mine. “You’re tormenting her.”
Kalix offers me nothing more than a shrug as he lifts his hands in a faux innocent gesture. I narrow my eyes on him before switching to Kiera. “Don’t stray from Ruen or I,” I order her.
“You think I’m a threat to our Terra, Brother?” Kalix asks with a laugh.
“With the way you’re acting tonight, I don’t know what the fuck you are.” I grit the words out, anger tightening the fists at my sides.
Still, Kiera doesn’t say a word and with the lace fabric over her eyes, it’s hard to tell what she’s thinking. If eyes are the windows to the soul, then this stupid tradition has forcefully shrouded them. I hate it.
I cup her cheek. “Dea?”
She starts as if hearing me for the first time. Her chest rises and falls in a sharp inhalation. I focus on keeping my gaze on her face and not on the pale strips of white fabric that barely cover her. She looks like an ancient king’s bride in this getup. Her breasts are full and round and the little slips of gold that cup them barely do anything but tease the memories of our single night together. I’d love nothing more than to rip them away and bend my head over her breasts, sucking one of her rosy pink nipples between my lips and hear her moans fill my ears.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
Her lashes flicker behind the lace mask as she glances past me over my shoulders to the doors we have yet to enter. “What am I supposed to do in there?” Her question is quiet.
“Nothing you don’t want to,” I assure her.
“Don’t lie to her, Theos,” Kalix snorts. “That won’t do our brave little Terra any good. She needs to know the truth.”
As if the sound of his voice reminds her of his presence, Kiera’s body tenses. “Stop it,” I hiss at him. “You’re scaring the shit out of her.”
“I’m fine.” Kiera’s hand touches my wrist. Her fingers encircle it and drag it away from her face. “It’s fine. Just tell me what I am to do beyond those doors. Do I have to … I mean will the Gods expect me to…” Her throat bobs for a moment before she shakes her head as if clearing away cobwebs in her mind.
“You want to know if they’ll be having a forced orgy beyond those doors?” Kalix appears at my side with that wide smile of his still in place. “And if you’ll be expected to participate?”
Her fingers are still touching my wrist, holding it even though her head is turned towards him. “No one will touch what belongs to us,” I tell her.
“Unless the Gods, themselves, decide that they want to taste her,” Kalix shoots back.
The look I give him could wither entire fields. Kiera’s lips twitch and curl back in disgust. “That won’t happen,” I reiterate. “Nothing she doesn’t want to happen will happen.”
“But…” Ruen steps up on my other side as he eyes the girl standing before me dressed like an erotic ghost, everything about her pale from the dress to her face save for the hints of gold and the black mask on her face. “It would be wise for you to follow our lead.”