Kiera turns towards him. “Follow your lead how?”
I sigh as her fingers finally drop away from my wrist. She pivots her whole body to fully face Ruen. He doesn’t move to touch her, but with how close he’s standing, it’s hard not to notice how fixated his attention is.
“There will be many people in there in various forms of undress,” he admits. “Normally, attire for one’s Terra is chosen by individual Mortal Gods. Many dress their Terra in something like this…” He lifts a hand, deftly fingering the slim curtain of cloth that spans over her breasts on either side. “When they wish to share.”
Her lips part, but before she can speak, he goes on.
“No,” he answers, somehow guessing her question, “we will not be sharing you with others. However … you may need to … act as though you are with us.”
Kalix props an elbow on my shoulder and sweeps one foot back, balancing himself on the toe of one boot with the other planted firmly on the ground. “What Ruen means, sweet little Terra,” he says, “is that you’ll have to sit there and let us touch you … move you, share you as we wish.”
She bristles and if she were a cat, I know by the wave of tension that ripples across her bare shoulders that she’d be on all four legs, back arched in the air, and hair standing on end at Kalix’s less than subtle statement. Though, I can’t say it’s untrue because it’s not.
Beyond those doors lies a night of salacious debauchery and violence. Walking into events such as these is like toeing a very thin line. One wrong move and aroused emotions can always turn violent. The possessiveness that the Divine feel over their servants and lovers is always taken to the next extreme. Cursing my own God blood, I know that if another aside from my brothers tries to lay hands upon her, I’ll cut them from their bodies and shove them up their asses.
Kiera doesn’t say anything for a long moment. When she clears her throat, she sounds gruff and only a little less nervous than before—as if she’s coming back to that girl I know far better than this strange quiet one. “So, my duties tonight are to follow you and let you … do things to me to convince the Gods that I am under your control?” she clarifies.
“More or less,” Ruen agrees.
She bites her lip, teeth flashing white as they sink into the petal softness of her skin. My cock throbs in my fucking trousers. I should’ve asked for something with a little less fabric like Kalix. I’d hoped wearing this would reassure her when she found out about the types of parties the Gods host. Now, however, I’m regretting every single stitch that keeps me from feeling all of that naked flesh of hers against my own.
“Okay.” Kiera jerks her head down in a nod. “Then let’s do this. Let’s get it over with.” Her head turns to Kalix and to my utter surprise, she lifts her hand offering it to him. “Will you take me in?” she asks him.
Kalix freezes for a moment as if he, too, is stunned. He recovers far faster than I, though, as he removes his arm from my shoulder and takes her hand, lifting the back of her knuckles to his lips. He brushes a kiss to her skin and an ugly green monster surfaces inside me so swiftly that I nearly snarl out a curse.
Ruen catches my eye and shakes his head subtly.
“It would be my pleasure,” Kalix answers Kiera’s offer as he takes her palm and tucks it into the crook of his arm. Together, the two of them move to the double doors, and as if they’re bespelled, the doors open, revealing all that lies beyond.
“Watch them,” Ruen whispers to me. “Something is up with Kalix. He’s playing a game with her and I think he’s leaving us out on purpose.”
My eyes shoot to his as Kiera and Kalix step up to the entrance. “Do you think he’s planning on hurting her?”
Ruen is quiet for a long moment as we move in behind them. Just before our feet cross the border into the hall of pleasure and pain that is specially reserved for the Day of Descendance, I hear his reply. “I have no idea what he’s planning,” is all he says.
Chapter 21
Flashes of skin on skin and gold drapery pass in front of my slightly distorted vision. With this mask covering my eyes—even if it is mostly transparent—I feel like a sightless fool. My fingers curve into Kalix’s arm, my nails digging into the fabric until I hope he feels pain.
The action, however, only seems to amuse him. His smile hasn’t waned in the slightest since we entered the room. “What are you planning?” I hiss quietly, low enough that no one else will hear.
In my periphery, Kalix’s grin spreads. “Have you overcome your fear now?” he asks. “That was fast.”
“You called me a thief,” I whisper. “And a liar—what did you mean by that?”
He chuckles, the sound like two boulders crashing against one another and at the same time, so deeply sensual that it makes my thighs tremble. He’s like a bad backstreet drug—addictive to those who need an escape and deadly to those who don’t know how much they can take.
“You know exactly what I mean, little thief,” Kalix says. “What you’re trying to figure out now is how I figured it out—or perhaps you’re wondering how you can convince me to keep your secrets.”
“You haven’t told anyone,” I reply. It’s an answer and a question.
“No, I haven’t.” The unspoken ‘yet’ hangs between us. Despite the uncomfortable sandals that adorn my feet, twisting up my calves, Kalix and I glide over the cold tile floor of the massive hall.
I recall Regis’ map from months ago, going through the various blueprints in my mind until I come to where we are now. This side of the Academy is not usually open to students and Terra. It’s part of the wing that houses the Divine Beings. A giant space that, for this auspicious day, has been draped in all sorts of finery.
Gold and red ribbons drift down from the beams above. I tip my head back and outright stare as there are several naked men and women tied up in an assortment of different positions. Some have had their arms and feet bound behind them, their breasts and genitals on full display as they dangle from the wrappings around their wrists and ankles—the only things keeping them aloft. Others lounge openly, legs swaying back and forth as they play within the ribbons as if they’re swings for their amusement.