I swear I hear Ellis growl.
He really hates the idea of me being here.
“So you’re my boss?” Daisy asks.
“I suppose I am,” I say.
“Are you here to evaluate the talent?”
“Are you offering to strip for me?” I throw at her really quick.
Daisy giggles and claps her hands together.
“I’ll pay to watch that,” Damien says.
“Damien, fuck off,” Ellis growls.
“Oh, drama,” Daisy says. “Look, I was just getting ready to leave. Unless you need me here.”
Daisy is looking right at me.
“You worked a shift?” I ask.
“Early one, yes. Love the horny businessmen promising me a good life.”
“Not your type, huh?” I ask.
“Not even close.”
“Let me guess,” I say. “You like the bad boys? The bikers?”
I hear Damien laugh quickly.
Daisy leans down. “Boss lady, so much I can say right now but I’ll be somewhat professional. All those businessmen? And even the bad boys and bikers? They have something I don’t want. Or like.”
“Oh?” I ask.
There’s silence.
Damien laughs again.
“Larissa,” Ellis says. “Come on…”
“I’m talking to Daisy,” I say. “What am I missing here?”
“Okay then,” Daisy says. “I prefer pussy.”
I gasp and my face turns bright red.
“Can’t believe you just said that to your new boss,” Damien says.
Ellis grabs my hand and pulls.
“Sorry about that, boss lady,” Daisy says. “Nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too…”
I’m almost in a daze.