Morgan placed everything else on the coffee table, sat next to Sam, and then pulled the bowl of popcorn onto his lap. “Ready to start the movie?”
Sam nodded, but his focus was on the bowl. If he wanted any popcorn, he would have to keep reaching into Morgan’s lap.
For some reason, Sam was finding it harder and harder to stop Morgan from invading his thoughts. He was focusing way too much on the guy’s body or the sound of his voice. He even found Morgan’s chewing sexy, especially the way his throat muscles worked.
Lack of sex is turning you into a horndog.
Something he’d feared Morgan would be, but it was Sam who needed a cold shower. He couldn’t stop sweeping an appreciative gaze over different parts of Morgan’s body whenever he knew the guy wasn’t looking. It was getting to the point where Sam wished someone would throw a bucket of ice on him to cool off his body and brain.
Morgan relaxed into the cushions and tossed an arm over the back of the couch, bringing them closer together as the movie started. “Is this okay, or do you want me to move my arm?”
“It’s fine,” Sam squeaked then cleared his throat. “As long as you’re comfortable, then I’m cool with it.”
Morgan’s gaze returned to the television. “I haven’t seen this before, but I heard it’s a good movie.”
Sam couldn’t give a rat’s ass what was on the television. Morgan had said he wasn’t looking for sexual favors from him, and so far, Morgan had kept his word.
And yet Sam sat there secretly wishing Morgan would make a move on him.
Maybe sitting so close hadn’t been the best idea. He could feel the guy’s body heat, and it was driving him crazy. Now he wished Morgan had sat in the chair by the TV.
The way Sam felt right now, it still wouldn’t have stopped his mind from going into the gutter. He would’ve just lusted after him from across the room.
The next two hours were pure torture. Sam made himself watch the movie in case Morgan wanted to talk about it. But that didn’t stop him from stealing glances at the guy or forcing back a groan whenever their hands touched in the bowl.
When the movie was finally over, Sam was relieved. Now he could escape upstairs and put some distance between them. Sitting there inhaling Morgan’s masculine scent only made Sam want him more. Several times he’d “accidently” brushed against Morgan in some way, and every single damn time Sam’s cock had twitched.
“Let me get this cleaned up and I’ll help you with a shower,” Morgan said. “You’ve got to be dying for one.”
Sam’s lips parted. His torture wasn’t over yet. It was about to graduate to a whole new level. “I swear I can do it on my own.”
“Not a chance.” Morgan sat up. “You heard your doctor. Since I don’t have a shower chair, it’s up to me to get you clean.”
Too bad Morgan couldn’t scrub Sam’s mind because it was dirty as hell. He also couldn’t think of a reason to turn Morgan down. Sam was dying for a shower. He just prayed he didn’t pop wood and embarrass himself.
With Morgan’s hands on his naked body, that was guaranteed to happen.
Morgan stood to clear things away. Surprisingly, he hadn’t eaten all the popcorn or cookies. In fact, he’d barely touched the snacks, too engrossed in the movie while Sam had been too engrossed in Morgan.
When Morgan returned from the kitchen, he scooped Sam from the couch. This time Sam didn’t protest being carried. He was too worried about embarrassing himself in the next twenty minutes.
Was he only going to wash the places Sam couldn’t, or did the guy plan on scrubbing every inch of him?
This had disaster written all over it. Sam wasn’t supposed to be insanely attracted to Morgan. He was supposed to keep the guy at arm’s length. In fact, Morgan had said he would hardly be home.
The terms of their agreement had taken a turn down a very precarious road, and Sam was helpless to pump the brakes. It was supposed to be housework for a room and weekly pay. Nothing was mentioned about Sam’s hormones going into overdrive or Morgan carrying him around everywhere.
Even if Sam enjoyed being in Morgan’s arms, liked how the guy took care of him, and melted inside at just how sweet Morgan was.
Sam had seriously underestimated the guy. He’d thought the deputy had an ulterior motive, but so far, Morgan had been the perfect gentleman.
It was Sam who wanted to beg for sexual favors, not the other way around. He was glad Morgan hadn’t turned out to be a creep, but did the guy have to be so damn gorgeous and sweet and fill out his jeans so perfectly?
Morgan set Sam on the closed toilet seat then turned on the shower in the stall. By the time this was over, Sam was going to be mortified. He just knew it.
“Lift your arms as high as they’ll go,” Morgan instructed. When Sam did, Morgan eased his shirt over his head. Sam’s nipples turned into hard peaks as Morgan helped him stand. “Grip the sink for balance.”
Was it Sam’s imagination or had Morgan’s voice grown deeper? Great. Now he was projecting his lust onto the deputy. The guy was only helping, like he said he would. It was Sam who was turning this into his own private fantasy.