Page 26 of No Strings Attached

Morgan stuck out his tongue as he walked back to the fridge. “Roman’s food doesn’t need anything added to it. The guy creates masterpieces.”

“Then why did you grab the hot sauce on your way back to the table? Don’t be a hater. Ketchup tastes good on eggs and sausage.”

Morgan sat. “I’ll just have to take your word for it. And hot sauce only brings out the flavors, not drowns out the taste.”

Sam chuckled, and Morgan loved that sound. “You’re so full of shit.”

“Don’t be a hater of the hot sauce.” Morgan winked. “That’s what you should be putting on your eggs instead of ketchup.”

“I’ve never been able to do spicy.” Sam ate a forkful of home fries and groaned.

Morgan sat there transfixed. Did his mate know just how beautiful he was?

“Your food is getting cold.” Sam pointed his fork at Morgan’s plate. “Stop trying to figure out why I like ketchup on my eggs and eat.”

Damn if Morgan couldn’t stare into Sam’s dark blue eyes for hours. Since he didn’t want his mate to think he was a creep, Morgan dug in.

When they were done eating, he carried Sam to the living room and placed him on the couch then turned on the television. Twenty minutes later, Sam leaned against Morgan’s side.

He glanced down and saw that his mate had fallen asleep. Sam might not understand the pull, but all it had taken was being next to Morgan before the guy had finally dozed off.

Chapter Nine

Sam’s gaze zeroed in on Morgan’s ass when the guy got off the couch and walked toward the hallway that led to the kitchen. When Morgan stopped and glanced back at him, Sam quickly looked straight ahead.

“Do you want anything else besides popcorn and soda? My pantry is stocked full of sweets.”

When Sam had woken earlier, there had been a box of honey buns on the coffee table with a mound of empty wrappers next to it, and Morgan had been chewing.

“How on earth do you maintain your body when you eat so much crap?”

“What do you mean?”

“Our breakfast was nothing but unhealthy fats and empty calories,” Sam said. “Now you’re heading to the kitchen for a sugar high.”

A wide, amused smile spread across Morgan’s handsome face. “A bear loves his sweets.”

The guy was definitely as big as a bear, but he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him. Morgan was pure muscle.

“So, do you want some chips or cookies, maybe some marshmallows?”

Sam rolled his eyes. “The popcorn and soda are fine. If you want to eat half your pantry, knock yourself out.”

“Suit yourself.” Morgan strode away.

Even when Sam had a job and could afford to eat, he’d never eaten the way Morgan seemed to. Sam would have made his dentist rich if his sweet tooth was that crazy.

The buttery aroma of popcorn soon filled the room. Sam loved the smell. His mom would never let him make it at home because she hated how it smelled. Aside from having it once or twice in his apartment, it had been a very long time since he’d had any.

When Morgan returned, he was carrying a bowl big enough to fed a small family. There was a can of soda in each front pocket, and a bag of cookies tucked under one arm.

Sam started to get up to offer assistance, but one look from Morgan stopped him. “What did I tell you about dipping a toe on the floor?”

“I was trying to be helpful.”

“I got this.” Morgan pulled out a can and handed it to Sam. All he could think about was how close the can had been to Morgan’s groin. Lucky damn soda.

“Thanks.” Sam blushed when he accepted the can.