“Forgive me, mi corazon,” he whispers.
“You said some really nasty things, Tony, not to mention rubbing up against some skank in a bar where you knew I would be waiting for you,” I reply, trying to sound firm but only sounding weak.
“I know, I’m sorry, I was just hyped up after a long day, and I let the drink go straight to my head,” he whimpers, to which Phoenix whispers a curse. “I love you, mija, only you. Forever, remember?”
After a few moments of trying to keep myself from forgiving him so easily, I place my hands around his neck and let him hold me back inside of his arms; a place I used to feel safe in, a place that’s slowly slipping away from me.
“One day, Ortega, my sister is going to quit falling for your bullshit and finally realize she’s worth more than your pathetic apologies and excuses for being an asshole!” Phoenix growls before stomping off into the bar.
I fear you might be right, big brother.
Much to Daniel’s frustration, he agrees to drop me back at the bar without walking me to the door. It looks near empty inside and him showing up with me at this time of night will only cause trouble that I don’t want right now. Tonight was quite momentous for me, and I don’t want it tainted by risking Phoenix’s temper. I promise to text Daniel in an hour to let him know I’m ok, but he still sighs heavily and looks awkward about not walking me to the door.
As I watch him drive away, I engage in some calming breathing exercises, something a therapist tried to teach me just after my attack. I only went for two sessions before I refused to talk any more about that night. It was too hard and too draining. I just wanted to forget about it and move on with my then-boyfriend. I thought he’d be enough to see me through all the pain, however, he only made it worse, so much worse. Seeing him betray me with some faceless girl was triggering in so many ways, that it took me weeks to be able to sleep again.
Phoenix once asked me which hurt more; I lied and said I didn’t know, but I did. My best friend betrayed me when I needed him the most. You can’t forget that sort of pain, it stays and festers within you until you just learn to just live with it, like a tumor. Fortunately, Daniel is beginning to prove that tumor is benign; I can live again, maybe even love.
The bar is practically empty, which is unusual for a Friday night, so I quickly come to the conclusion that it’s not actually open to the public. Jake is wiping glasses at the bar while Phoenix is sitting with my uncle in a booth, right opposite the Ortega brothers. Awesome!
Jake spies me first, but instead of his cheeky grin, he eyes me with a blank stare, one that tells me I’m about to get it. I close my eyes for longer than a blink, then begin to tiptoe around the shady areas of the room, hoping I might be able to reach out back undetected. Fat chance.
Phoenix eyes me first with a furrowed brow and an expression too indecipherable to gauge. However, I hold my own and defiantly stare back at him. He then flicks his eyes to the man sitting in front of him and shakes his head. The guy’s not heeding his warning though as he leaps up with a jerk that conveys how agitated he is. He turns slowly, and to say he looks angry is a massive understatement.
“Evening,” I try to say as confidently as I can, but I don’t think I look as chilled out as I think I do. Tony’s eyes narrow into slits as he raises his huge arm to point at me accusingly.
“Where the fuck have you been, Lou?!”
At first, I look at my brother, trying to ascertain whether or not he’s actually going to get up and tear Tony to shreds. It would appear not. Instead, he looks back at me in such a way, I think he’s trying to goad me into standing up for myself. Whatever is going down between the three of them is causing Phoenix to stay tight-lipped in front of Javier. But I don’t think this is the only reason for his sudden silence; I think this is his attempt to get me to pull back some of the girl I once was.
“Out,” I reply bluntly and begin walking toward the bar, the doorway of our living space within my grasp.
“With who? That asshole with the pretty face?!” I don’t know if he means Daniel, or if he thinks I’ve been out with Trent, but it’s no longer his concern.
“Someone I’m dating, Tony,” I sigh and begin walking again, “now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m really tired-”
“Why? Did you fuck him tonight? Is that why you’re so late?”
“Careful, Ortega,” Phoenix mutters but still doesn’t move from his relaxed position in the booth. Javier watches with an amused expression, as if he’s enjoying the show.
“Whether I do or do not sleep with my boyfriend has nothing to do with you, Tony Ortega, not since you lodged your dick into some other girl’s hoo-hah around the back of my brother’s bar!”
“I explained that to you the other day, Lou! How could you drop your panties for some idiot like Trent Matthews?!”
“I don’t have to listen to this…it’s bullshit!” I stomp away into the back and throw my coat across the couch. It’s so soft there’s no satisfaction in its landing. If I had a glass in my hand, it would be a lot more rewarding to throw, so instead, I grab a pillow and scream into it.
“We’re not done, mija!” Tony bursts through the back door and grabs hold of my shoulders, forcing me to face him. “You’re mine, MINE!”
He yells with a maniacal look in his eye, and for the first time ever, I’m scared of him.
“Let go of me, Tony, you’re hurting me,” I cry, “you keep hurting me and whenever I look at you, I will always remember you hurting me. Just stop it!”
“No, no, no, mi corazon,” he begs as he unleashes his own tears. “You’re my best friend, my love, mi amore. Please don’t give up on me! Marry me!”
I shake my head as I finally find the courage to push him away. This is the moment we are finished…for good. This is our forever.