Page 46 of Hunter

“Ortega!” Phoenix growls from the doorway behind.

“Lou?” Tony whimpers.

“No!” I shout, standing up tall and walking away from him. “Listen to me, no!”

Accepting defeat, he sighs and walks back toward the door, only pausing to begrudgingly take back the ring Phoenix is now holding out for him. As soon as we hear the door bang, I release all my emotions onto my brother as he quickly closes the gap to wrap his huge arms around me. We don’t talk, we just hold, and it’s everything I need right now.

Chapter 19


Less than an hour after my showdown with Tony, Phoenix and I are both lounging about on the couch, with me in my pajamas and him in his sweatpants and nothing else. This is just how we used to spend the evenings when we were kids and Dad was working out front. I’ve dive bombed into the ice cream, whereas Phoenix is knocking back a bag of chips. Simple, yet perfect after everything. He’s even indulged in meaningless chit chat, which works because I’m so relaxed now, I no longer feel the need to cry over my lost relationship with Tony.

“Not that I want to think about you and your boss doing…the deed,” Phoenix says with a grimace, shaking his head before he continues, “but are you ok?”

I laugh with embarrassment and feel my cheeks heat before I can answer him.

“I’m good, honestly,” I reply, swallowing hard over the awkwardness of this conversation. “I feel safe with him, Phoenix.”

“Ok then,” he huffs, “then I can accept him. But the minute he fucks up, I’m going to kick his ass so hard, he won’t be able to ever sit again without remembering it.”

“How reassuring,” I tell him with a smile that I can’t help giving. “Though, I’m not sure I approve of the word choice - when not if he fucks up? Thanks, brother.”

“You know what I mean.”

He nudges me with his elbow, and we end up leaning into one another.

“Are you going to take Javier’s job?” I ask quietly, already knowing the answer.

“Already have, Lou,” he says without pause, “I meet the motherfucker next week.”

“Will you tell me who it is?” I sigh, fearing for my brother, the one piece of family I have left.

“You don’t know who it is, just someone who used to be in the crew with Dad,” he says as he throws his arm around my shoulders. “Don’t worry, Lou, I know what I’m doing.”

“Don’t leave me, Phoenix,” I plead with a whimper, “you’re the only family I have left and I kind of love you, you big idiot!”

“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” he says, frowning over my look of abject fear, “so get that out of your head. The guy I’m meeting is a pussy cat compared to me, so don’t worry.”

I nod and smile, but it’s not at all convincing. Please, Dad, Mom, if you’re up there, please don’t let anything happen to my brother, he’s all I have left of you.



I laugh when Theo finally comes running up behind me; I’m going to revel in the fact that I just beat him again. He’s enjoying one too many home-cooked meals with Izzy, not to mention he often blows me off on a Saturday morning so he can stay in bed with her. There’s a price to pay for lust, sloth, and gluttony, and Theo’s sure as hell paying for it now.

“Holy shit,” he pants, bending over to clutch hold of his knees while trying to catch his breath. “Don’t even say a word, asshole, I get it, I’m out of shape!”

I laugh harder as he grips hold of the pain of burning lactic acid coursing down his right side.

“And you’re not even married yet,” I tease as I slap him on the back and laugh over his current misery.

“Stella!” he shouts over to their golden retriever who has not only kept up with me but is now darting through the bushes in the hopes of finding something interesting, and no doubt disgusting. She often finds the leftovers of local fishermen to either devour or roll on top of. “Speaking of,” he says between shallow breaths, “you free next weekend?”

“Maybe,” I reply while stretching out my quads, “depends on…stuff.”

“A brunette PA kind of stuff?” He grins as we begin jogging a little more slowly just to keep the blood flowing. I shrug, the only movement I need to give to confirm his suspicions. “Well, maybe your stuff should come too. Iz and I are finally tying the knot next Saturday, just a small affair on the beach. Was sort of hoping you’d be my best man?”