“It’s enough.”
Her voice, while a little forceful, shook as she spoke. I thought it was cute how she was trying to control everything in this moment, when in fact her body and eyes were betraying her. I could already see the want, the need, in them.
“That’s too bad,” I whispered, bringing my hand to her cheek. “I’ve been dying to do this again.” I brought my lips to hers.
She didn’t fight me, so I deepened the kiss. She brought her fingers to the back of my head and let out a tiny whimper as she ran her fingers through my hair, which was when I pulled my lips from hers and my hand from her cheek. She stood there, her eyes closed, rocking back and forth a little. When she opened her eyes, the look she gave me gave her away. She still wanted me.
“Dylan, we can’t do this. That night was…”
“Magical. I know.” I winked.
“A one-time thing,” she corrected.
“Is that so?”
She shook her head and licked her lips. My eyes fell to her chest. She was still breathing hard, and I could see the outline of her perfect nipples through that sweater. Nipples I’d love to suck on again.
“So, are you telling me you don’t want another shot with me?” I asked, bringing my hands up and grazing her breasts ever so slightly.
The instant my hands connected with her breasts, she closed her eyes and let out a tiny moan.
She nodded but said nothing.
“That isn’t want your body is saying,” I whispered.
“I…I…it can’t happen again,” she said, placing her hands on my chest.
I couldn’t help but smirk. “Is that so?”
She nodded, bringing her hands down from my chest. She turned away from me. It was then I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her body back against mine.
With my free hand, I brushed her hair away from her neck and brought my lips to her soft skin, sucking hard enough I knew I’d leave a mark. I felt her body weaken in my arms as I kissed her neck. I continued small kisses and finally tipped her head back a bit and brought my lips to hers, my tongue parting hers. I swiped through her mouth. She didn’t pull away; she didn’t fight me. Instead, her body melted against mine, and like before, she kissed me back.
I allowed my hands to wander a little, bringing one up over her breast. I figured that would be a telltale sign. If she didn’t want this, she’d freak the hell out. Instead of fighting me, she arched her back, pressing her breast into my hand as her lips moved over mine.
I broke our kiss and looked into her eyes. She stood against me, breathing hard. “Just imagine how explosive it will be next time,” I muttered as I heard voices approaching. “The next time I fuck that sweet pussy.” I ran my hand down her flat stomach and between her legs, then made my way back to the other side of the room where I’d been sitting before and acted as if nothing had happened. She stood there, her mouth open, staring in my direction as Penelope, Walker, and my father entered the room, all of them laughing.
I looked across the room as they all sat down to see Aurora still staring my way. The look in her eyes said it all. She wanted me as much as I wanted her, and I’d be damned if I gave up that easily.
* * *
“Want to go grab some breakfast? I’m starved,” Knox asked, climbing into the driver’s seat and starting the engine.
We always went to early-morning practices together. Knox normally dragged his ass, but this morning, I was dragging mine. I’d gotten home late last night and had tossed and turned at the fact I’d been so close to having her again.
“What the hell got into you today?” Knox asked, once he was in the car.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, first, you weren’t anywhere near ready when I showed up and you played like shit.”
“I did not.”
“Fuck me, yes, you did. You seemed distracted.”
“So what? Haven’t you been distracted before?”
“I have…but…”