“But what? Are you the only one who’s allowed to be distracted?” I grumbled.
Knox tapped the steering wheel as we came to a stoplight. He reached down and turned the radio down a little lower and glanced over at me.
“It’s almost like we are repeating the few weeks after you returned from Mexico all over again.”
I clenched my jaw and looked out the window. It was Mexico all over again, only this time it was worse. I hadn’t known what to do when I saw her standing there in front of me. All I knew was that during those few seconds when I saw her again, I wanted her in a way I’d never felt before.
“Or maybe I’m thinking wrong. You were relaxed after Mexico, not so pissy. You’re acting like you did when you found out about Carlie. Yeah, that is more like it,” Knox said, pulling into the breakfast diner we always went to and parking the car. “She hasn’t been bothering you again has she?”
Carlie had been a hellish nightmare for me. Not only had she broken my heart, dragged me through the mud, and tried to ruin my career, but she’d stalked me for the better part of five months and slandered me all over social media. I’d had a right to be pissy during that time, and anyone who said differently was an ass. It had ended with me being forced to send a cease-and-desist letter written by my own lawyers and the team’s when I began losing contracts left, right, and centre.
“No, she’s been non-existent, which I am hoping continues on.”
“Then what has you so bothered?”
We entered the diner, sat down, and placed our usual order. Then Knox looked over at me, waiting impatiently.
I let out a sigh. “You were right the first time. Remember Mexico?” I questioned.
Knox nodded, turning his attention to me.
“Remember the girl.”
“Yeah, the one you couldn’t forget. The one you turned celibate for.”
“I didn’t turn celibate. I’m not the type to just jump in the sack with whatever moves, you know that.”
Knox shook his head and chuckled. I was probably the only guy on the team that hadn’t had a different woman in his bed each night while on the road. Well, aside from the married guys.
“What I know is that you are fucked up.” Knox chuckled.
“Call me what you want. Anyway, back to the girl.”
“Okay, what about her? If you are going to tell me you still wish you’d gotten her name, I think I might be sick.”
That was just like Knox. He wasn’t the type of guy who got into deeply committed relationships; he was more the hit it and quit it type. It was fine, it worked for him. I just wasn’t built that way.
“No, I found out who she was.”
“Oh, well, do tell.”
The server dropped our mushroom omelets down in front of us and poured us both a little more coffee, smiled, and walked away. I watched as Knox added a generous amount of hot sauce to his omelet before passing the bottle over to me.
“Remember how I told you my father got remarried.”
“Oh god, don’t you dare tell me she’s your new stepmother.” Knox chuckled. “That would be fucking fantastic.”
“Nope, stepsister.”
“Get the fuck out of here,” Knox said, lifting his head to look at me.
“Yep. She still wants me, I still want her, and I’m not going to stop until I get her.”
“What’s your father going to say about that?” Knox asked.
I thought for a moment. My father shouldn’t have a single thing to say about anything. He wasn’t perfect by any means, and his track record showed it. Besides, he had no right to tell me who I could and couldn’t date, nor who I could and couldn’t love.
“He never did like Carlie.”