Freddie led her into the conference room, where he’d put together a timeline on one of the big dry-erase boards.
“First, tell me what’s wrong.”
Sam closed the door. “You have to keep it between us.”
“The chief and captain told me they’re planning to postpone retirement for the three years Nick is in office so they can have my back here.”
“Oh wow. That’s amazing.”
“I know, right? They wrecked me when they said that’s what family does for family.”
“I love it. I’m so glad they’re doing that.”
“Me, too. It means the world to me, but it caught me by surprise, thus the tears that pissed me off. Now, tell me about this interesting narrative.”
“Cox and Forrester met at UPenn as undergrads and pledged Lambda Chi Alpha together. Cox was later president to Forrester’s vice president.”
Sam became more furious with every new detail added to the puzzle. “Did he honestly think we wouldn’t find out that they go way back?”
“He probably thought we’d take his word for it as the AG.”
“That was a miscalculation on his part. What else have you got?”
“After college and law school at Yale, they were spent six years working in the New York City DA’s office before being hired by the same New York City corporate law firm, where they spent the next fifteen years making small fortunes. Forrester was appointed U.S. Attorney twelve years ago, and Nelson tapped Cox to be his AG as part of his original cabinet. He left the firm as the managing partner.”
Freddie added news articles to the board that had banner headlines about the untested attorney who’d been given the role of top law enforcement officer. “There was a huge uproar over Cox’s appointment as he’d spent far more time in corporate law than criminal.”
“I remember this vaguely now that you mention it.” Before she’d gotten back together with Nick, she hadn’t paid much attention to politics.
“Despite the controversy, Cox settled into the job, hired a team of well-regarded prosecutors and has earned mostly high marks during his tenure.”
“Something about this whole thing stinks, and I can’t figure out what or why.”
“Let’s go see Bryant again and see what he can tell us about this unholy alliance.”
As they were headed for the morgue exit, paramedics came rushing in.
“What the hell?” Sam watched as they sped into the morgue and then took off running in that direction herself, nearly slamming into Dr. Byron Tomlinson as he came out through the morgue’s automatic doors. “What’s going on?”
“Lindsey collapsed.”
“Is she okay?”
Byron seemed rattled, which did nothing to calm Sam’s nerves. He was a doctor, for crying out loud. “I called for EMS when she didn’t come to.”
“Should I call Terry?”
“I would.”
“Find out where they’re taking her.”
Byron nodded to show he’d heard her.
Sam did not want to call Terry with this news. Her hands were less than steady as she found his number in her contacts.