Page 44 of State of Suspense

“Hey, Sam. What’s up?”

“Terry… Ah, Lindsey collapsed at work, and they’re taking her to…”

“GW,” Byron said.

“GW ER.”

“Oh my God.”

“I don’t know anything more than EMS is here preparing to transport her.”

“Thanks for calling. I’ll get right over there. Let me know if you hear anything else.”

“I will.” She closed her phone. “He’ll meet her there.”

When the paramedics rolled Lindsey out of the morgue, Sam was struck by how incredibly pale she was. The urgency with which the EMS team moved only added to her anxiety.

“I’ll go with her,” Byron said. “And keep you informed.”

“Thank you.” Sam called Captain Malone. “Lindsey collapsed in the morgue. EMS just transported her to the hospital.”

“Oh no.”

“Byron is going with her and will keep us in the loop. I also called Terry.”

“Let me know what you hear.”

“Will do. I was on my way to speak to Bryant again, but now I’m not sure what I should do.”

“Go deal with Bryant. There’s nothing you can do for Lindsey. She’s in the best possible hands.”

“You’re right. It’s just…”

“I know, Sam. It’s upsetting, but I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

Sam hoped to hell he was right.

For a full minute after ending the call with Sam, Terry stared at the far wall of his office, filled with dread. He’d known something was off and had encouraged Lindsey to call out of work so she could rest. The Stahl investigation had tapped her and her team to their utmost limits as they worked in concert with the FBI lab to identify victims.

He’d nearly had her convinced to take a break when Forrester was murdered, and all thoughts of rest and relaxation were forgotten.

She liked to say, “Murder waits for no one, except the medical examiner.”

He understood that making light of the job helped her get through the grim tasks required of her.

He forced himself to get up, to move toward the door, to notify his lead agent that he needed a ride to GW and to walk to the Oval to tell Nick he was leaving. The admin outside the office waved him in.

Terry knocked and entered the room.

Nick was seated behind the Resolute Desk and looked up when Terry came in. “Hey, I was just going to buzz you about?—”


“What’s wrong?” He stood. “Did something happen to Sam?”

“No, to Lindsey. She collapsed at work. They’re taking her to GW.”

“Go,” Nick said. “I’d come with you if it wouldn’t cause a circus.”