Page 32 of State of Suspense

Shelby carefully transferred the sleeping baby to Sam’s arms. “Don’t worry if she wakes up. It’s almost time for a feeding.”

Sam held the tiny bundle close to her chest, gazing down at her perfect little face. “Good Lord, she’s beautiful.”

“We think so, too,” Shelby said with a giggle.

Avery went to the sofa to sit next to his wife and held her hand while Sam gazed at the baby in awe.

“What an angel.”

“You should hear the lungs on her,” Avery said.

“She’s a steel magnolia, like her mama,” Sam said.

Avery smiled at Shelby. “God help me.”

Shelby rested her head on his shoulder, seeming almost back to her old self after the horrifying home invasion she and Noah had endured.

As Sam studied the newborn, her eyes filled with tears of happiness tinged with the usual sadness. “Welcome to the family, Miss Maisie Rae Hill. We love you already.” She kissed the baby’s soft cheek and returned her to her mother. “I’ll let you guys get some rest. I just wanted to check on you and see our new little love.”

Shelby glanced at Avery. “We’d like you and Nick to be her godparents, if you’re willing.”

“Of course we’re willing and honored to be asked.”

“Home to the White House with the president and first lady as her godparents,” Shelby said, sounding awestruck. “What a way to start a life.”

“We do what we can for our people.” Sam stood and leaned over to kiss Shelby’s cheek. “I’ll check in tomorrow, Tinker Bell. Congratulations again. You make the prettiest babies.”

“Thank you for everything. Being able to hide out here after what happened has been such a blessing to us.”

“Our home is your home. Always.”

Avery walked Sam to the door. “I’ll check in tomorrow.”

“Sounds good, and congrats, Dad.”

“Thanks for everything. I’m working on getting us out of here.”

“Don’t stress about it. We’re not.” Sam gave him a kiss on the cheek and left him to head back downstairs, stopping halfway down when a wave of emotion overwhelmed her. She sat on one of the red-carpeted steps to give herself a minute to get it together before she rejoined Nick.

With her head in her hands, she let the emotion take over.

Just for a minute.

The baby fever didn’t strike as often since Scotty and the twins had come into her life. However, as strong as she was the rest of the time, any time a newborn was placed into her arms, she was reminded of what she would never have. She’d made peace with that fact of her life, but it still hurt sometimes. Along with the joy of a new little person to love came the pain of her previous losses and the reality that she would never carry a baby she and Nick created together.

When his arm encircled her shoulders and his familiar scent filled her senses, she leaned into him. “I’m okay.”

“I know.”

She had no idea how long they sat there before he helped her up and kept his arm around her as they made their way down the rest of the stairs and into their suite.

After he closed the door, she turned to him. “How’d you know?”

“You weren’t back for our date, so I went looking for you.”

“I’m glad you did.” She wiped the last of the tears off her face. “I’m really fine. I swear.”

“I know you are, but that doesn’t mean you don’t feel a little sad every time we welcome another baby into our lives.”