Page 33 of State of Suspense

“I have nothing at all to be sad about.”

“Sure you do.”

She shook her head. “I’m so, so satisfied with our amazing family. We can’t take a vacation without nonstop chaos. Can you think of any other two people who have less business bringing a baby into their lives than we do?”

“We’d find a way to make it work, but like you, I’m more than satisfied with the family we have.”

“I’m so incredibly blessed, which is why I get so mad with myself any time this happens.”

Nick hugged her. “Don’t be mad with my favorite person. She’s the best mom ever.”

Sam laughed even as she dealt with more tears. “No, she isn’t.”

“Our kids think you’re the coolest person on earth.”

“They do not. You’re the president. That makes you the coolest.”

“No, Sam, they think you are. Scotty even said so after we got home earlier. ‘How cool is Mom with the lowdown on study guides?’”

“He said that?”

“He did, and he’s right. You’re the mom he knows he can count on to help him with anything, even things he should be doing on his own.”

Sam shuddered. “No one should have to do Beowulf on their own.”

She loved his laugh and how his mountain of worries seemed to fall away for a while when they were alone together. Sometimes she felt guilty for being a somewhat crappy first lady—okay, she felt guilty about that all the time. But the one area where she truly shined was in giving him respite from the never-ending storm that came with being president.

That was her superpower.

“Take me to bed, Mr. President. I’ve got an early wakeup.”

“There’s nowhere I’d rather take you, my love.”

They changed their clothes, brushed their teeth and crawled into bed a few minutes later, meeting in the middle as they always did, arms and legs intertwined, her head on his chest.

“Ah,” he said on a sigh. “That’s what I’ve needed all damned day.”

“It was a long, damned day from vacation ending abruptly to now.”

“Sure was, even if I had a nice day with the kids.”

“I’m sorry I missed it. I hate missing stuff with them.”

“They know that.”

Sam’s phone chimed with a text. She groaned. “I’m afraid to look.”

Nick reached for the phone on her bedside table. “It’s Lilia asking for a minute tomorrow to go over the schedule for Tuesday.”

Sam took the phone from him and texted her back. The only minute I have tomorrow is first thing. Can you do 6?

I’ll be there.

So sorry for the early hour.

No worries at all. See you then.

Sam adjusted her alarm to five fifteen and put the phone back on the table. “Just lost forty-five minutes of sleep.”