Ian’s eyes go wide. “You told him?”
“That you’re my fiancé? Yes.”
I had to sign an NDA, agreeing not to tell anyone that our relationship was a lie, so it makes sense that I would tell my family and friends that I’m engaged. He just doesn’t know that instead of telling my dad for Ian’s benefit, I have my own agenda that happens to line up with his.
“How did he take it?”
“He wants to meet you.”
Ian chuckles. “I’ve never met the parents before.”
“My mom would’ve liked you,” I say with a small laugh. “She would’ve thought you were ridiculously handsome and asked a million inappropriate questions.”
The thought of my mom not being here to ever meet the man I choose to be with—if that day ever comes—has me feeling sad all over again.
Ian must pick up on my emotions because he says, “If you’re not up for going to dinner tonight, I can cancel.”
“No, I’m okay. It’s not for a few hours, so that’ll give me time to get myself together.”
“Come with me.”
He takes my hand in his and guides me upstairs, through my bedroom and into the bathroom. Ian lets go of my hand and turns the water on, then pours liquid in that immediately creates bubbles. The flow is strong and the tub is already halfway filled by the time Ian has lit a couple of candles and set them around the edge.
“While I go downstairs and get you a glass of wine to help you relax, get in and get comfortable.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips and then disappears.
In a state of shock and awe, I undress and then climb into the tub, sighing as the heated water instantly calms me. Since the water is high enough and the bubbles are thick enough to cover the important parts, I switch the tap off and lean back, closing my eyes.
“Knock, knock,” he says a few minutes later.
“You can come in.”
He strides in and sets the glass of white wine on the edge, then walks over to the wall and presses a button that makes the jets in the tub turn on, hitting my back like the best massage.
“Better?” he asks.
“This is perfect,” I choke out. “Thank you.”
I can’t remember the last time—if ever—someone took care of me like this. Not since my mom died and never like this.
Ian leans over and kisses me again, this time softer than the last, and butterflies flutter in my belly. As our lips curve around each other, I wonder if Ian was right about taking things slow because with every kiss and touch, it feels like we’re toeing the imaginary line we drew, and if I’m not careful, he might just cross on over to my side. And I’ve yet to figure out if that’s a good or bad thing.
“Close your eyes and relax,” Ian murmurs, his lips brushing against mine once more. “If you need anything, let me know.”
He stands, ready to give me time to myself, but before he can leave, I grab his bicep, halting him in place.
“This whole thing between us … it’s strictly physical, right?”
He looks at me for several seconds before he nods once. “Of course. Get some rest.”
“Okay, good,” I say. “Just making sure we’re on the same page.”
“Definitely on the same page,” he agrees.
But as he walks out the door, I can’t help but feel like although we’re on the same page, we both might be in denial of the book we’re reading.
The ride to the country club is quiet. And not the comfortable kind of quiet. It’s awkward, and I hate it.
And since I’m not one to beat around the bush, when we pull up to the country club, before Ian can get out, I stop him and ask, “Did I do something wrong?”