Page 16 of Drunk on You

“I can handle being in a relationship and running a company,” I assure him, pushing aside the guilt niggling at me for lying to my dad about my fake relationship.

But in my defense, he pushed me to this by refusing to see that a single woman was capable of being the face of a liquor company. Honestly, he’s only doing this because he’s fallen in love and wants everyone to feel what he’s feeling. He’s thinking with his heart instead of his brain.

“Okay,” he concedes. “But on one condition. I don’t want business to come between us. I’ve waited a long time to get you back, and I don’t want to lose you again. I have a couple other people I’m considering for the position, and if you don’t get it …”

“I’ll understand,” I tell him, knowing damn well I’m going to outshine every one of those other prospects.

Our meals are brought to the table, and we spend the rest of lunch catching up. I try to ask him about the company, but he refuses to discuss it, telling me that I can come in tomorrow and he’ll show me around and have HR get me formally hired so I’m on the payroll.

“Speak to your fiancé and let me know when we can meet for dinner,” Dad says while we wait for our cars at valet. “I can’t wait to meet my future son-in-law.”

“I will,” I tell him, giving him a side hug, happy that I came home. Even if I don’t get the position, coming back here was long overdue.

“Where are you going now?” Dad asks when our cars pull up.

“Actually …” I clear my throat. “I was going to go visit Mom. I haven’t been to her grave since we buried her.”

“Would you like some company?” he offers, surprising me since he mentioned having a business meeting this afternoon.

“I thought you had to go to work.”

He lifts my chin and meets my gaze. “I meant what I said, sweetie. Family first. If you want me there, I would love to join you. That meeting can be rescheduled.”

“Thank you,” I choke out, overcome with emotion. “I’d like that.”

chapter six



I hope you’re having a good day. My lunch meeting got moved to dinner. Can you please be ready to go at 6:00? It’s at the country club. I’ll be home early.

I glance at the message as I walk into the house, sniffling back my tears. It was sent earlier, but I didn’t look at it until now. The last thing I want to do is go to a business dinner tonight after spending the afternoon with my dad at the cemetery, but I have to uphold my end of the deal, so I need to get my shit together and leave the mourning to later.

“What happened?” Ian asks, making me jump.

I didn’t park in the garage, so I wasn’t aware he was already home.

“Nothing,” I say, wiping my tears and forcing a fake smile.

“Don’t lie to me.” He closes the gap between us and pulls me into his arms, glancing down at me with concern etched on his features. “It’s clear something is wrong, and I can’t help if I don’t know what it is.”

My heart stutters in my chest. I’m not used to other people caring. It’s not that no one cares, but I normally don’t let anyone see me like this. Even at the gravesite with my dad, I didn’t cry. It wasn’t until after we left and I was alone in my car that I allowed myself to let go.

“I just came from visiting my mom’s grave,” I admit, shocking myself for letting Ian in so easily. “It’s the first time I’ve been there since she passed away.”

Ian envelops me in a comforting hug, and I allow myself to cry all over again.

“I knew it would be hard to see her grave,” I tell him through my sobs. “But I didn’t think it would feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest all over again.”

“You should’ve told me,” he murmurs. “I would’ve come with you.”

“I appreciate that, but my dad actually went with me.”

“Your dad lives here?”

“Yeah, I grew up here.” Speaking of which … “He saw my ring, so I had to tell him about you.” Not exactly the truth, but not quite a lie either.