We kiss until we’re panting for breath and then we kiss some more.
Sweeping me up in his arms, Reed goes over to the couch and sits down, keeping me wrapped in his arms and snuggled on his lap.
“I still don’t think I deserve you, but I’m not letting you go,” he says.
“Good. Because I’m not letting you go either, you stubborn man!” I declare, hugging my arms around his neck.
Pressing his forehead to mine, he sighs. “I got a ring back at my house and I had all sorts of wonderful and romantic plans but screw it. Winnie, will you marry me?”
“With a proposal like that, how can I say no?” I laugh and press a kiss to his firm lips. “Yes,” I say softly. “A million times, yes.”
Elliot strides into the rec room, smug in the knowledge that all eyes are on her. “Well, ladies, we can now add Reed and Winnie to our list of perfect matches!”
Sandra’s cane clatters to the floor. “He proposed already?!” she gasps. “You just gave him the ring yesterday!”
“I was expecting a grander proposal as well, but apparently he’s quite eager to marry her and couldn’t wait.”
Pulling out her phone, Sandra’s brown eyes go wide. “Oh my, I missed a call from Winnie and several messages.” Her smile sweeps across her entire face. “Look!” she holds out her phone showing off a picture of the happy couple and the huge sparkling diamond on Winnie’s finger.
“How adorably sweet,” Brooke, the newest member of the matchmakes coos. “This makes me even more eager to get my granddaughter Alice matched up.”
Linda sighs as well. “I know. This is so exciting! Our system works!”
Roberta holds up her hands and goes around collecting high fives. “Two out of two, not too shabby at all!” she hoots.
“Or is it four out of four?” Margot asks, her gaze darting around. “I mean, because we’ve successfully matched up four people now.”
“Well, two couples,” Deborah puts in. “So my vote is for two out of two.”
“Oh, who cares,” Elliot says, tossing her hands up and setting the dozens of charms on her bracelets jangling. “All I care about is that Reed is in love and getting married.”
Sandra gets to her feet and gives Elliot a hug, handing the other woman a tissue for her unexpectedly teary eyes. “Agreed, our grandkids are getting their happily ever afters, like they deserve.” She wipes at her own eyes and smiles.
“Here, here!” Agnes calls out, still in a wonderful mood since her grandson Seth was successfully matched to Charlotte’s granddaughter Ember almost two months ago. Apparently that relationship is full speed ahead with the two of them practically joined at the hip and talking about moving in together.
Charlotte waves around Agnes’s box of chocolates that Seth and Ember bring without fail every week. “Let’s celebrate,” she says.
Everyone crowds around and selects a few chocolates. Soon the box is empty, and the ladies are riding high on sugar and the success of their second matchup.
“Can my granddaughter be next?” Brooke asks, gazing around hopefully at the other ladies.
Margot shakes her head. “That’s not how our system works. Did you do the paperwork we gave you?”
“Oh, yes.” Looking down, Brooke rubs her thumb along a smear of chocolate on the top paper. “Whoops.”
“But we haven’t recruited the final tenth member needed,” Roberta says.
Staunchly Charlotte nods. “That’s true. What if we get a new member and their granddaughter’s score works best with one of the grandsons,” pausing she smiles at Linda, “or nephew. We don’t want to get tripped up here.”
Slowly, Margot’s hand rises. Quite out of character for her she shyly gets to her feet and glances around nervously. “I do have a single granddaughter too, not just my grandson.”
“Why didn’t you include her from the start?” Roberta calls out.
“Quickly fill out a form for her and let’s know her score!” Sandra suggests.