“She is newly single, which is why I didn’t include her before.” Margot lets out a soft sigh. “Honestly, I don’t even know if she’s ready for a new relationship yet.”

Elliot knocks on the table, the hollow vibration of the wood getting everyone’s attention. “Who wouldn’t be thrilled to have their perfect match handed to them. My vote is for Margot to fill out the forms and get her granddaughter’s score. All in agreement say aye.”

Several ayes sound.

“All opposed do the same.”

Not a single sound is heard as Margot refrains from voting, leaving things to majority rule.

Elliot nods and grins. “Everyone meet back here in two days to go over all the results and get our next couple lined up.”

“So exciting,” Linda gushes, giving Brooke’s shoulders a squeeze.

“Don’t forget to print this picture out,” Agnes says, tapping at Sandra’s phone. “We’ll add it to our collection.”

Lifting her eyes from the image of the happy couple, Sandra smiles. “Oh, absolutely. I’ll bring it to the next meeting. And hopefully then I’ll have all the details about the proposal since Elliot was skimpy with them.”

Agnes laughs and makes her way out of the rec room.

The room empties quickly, leaving just Sandra and Elliot behind.

Elliot pauses beside her. “Feel like having some tea?”

Smiling, Sandra nods. “Yes, let’s. After all we have some celebrating to do. Turns out your grandson is a good man.”

Nodding, Elliot lets her face relax into a warm smile. “Yes, and your granddaughter is indeed special. She won his heart and he claimed hers.”

Slowly the two walk to the cafeteria.

“Do you think the next match will be as successful?” Sandra asks.

“I have no doubts,” Elliot replies. “Not with the matchmakers in charge of their happily ever after.”




I shift in the chair as my baby gleefully kicks at my bladder. I didn’t want to find out what we were having, but now I’m wishing I did simply so I could scold them by name.

We have names picked out already. Christopher for a boy and Anne for a girl. I was one hundred percent certain of my choice for a girl and Reed came around to the idea once I explain that Anne of Green Gables was one of my favorite series of books growing up. Christopher was a harder decision as the literary world is filled with so many amazing male names. It was only when Reed shyly mentioned loving the stories of a certain stuffed bear and his friends that we hit upon Christopher.

I’m secretly rooting for a little girl, but Reed says he’ll be delighted with either.

Before I became pregnant, I thought I wanted half a dozen children at least, but now that I’m thirty-eight weeks along, I’m thinking maybe there’s a reason both Reed and I are only children.

Pregnancy is no joke. My poor body has been through the wringer. This baby is already a handful, and they haven’t even been born yet.

Reed only agreed to this book signing because it was close to home, and I promised I would sit the entire time. But as our baby continues to beat me up from the inside, I’m now wishing I was up and walking. That seems to help.

Mimi waves to me from the middle of the line and I cheerfully wave back. She and a few of her friends from the senior home drove here to cheer me on. Even Reed’s grandmother Elliot has several copies of my first published book, Tales of the Lace Dragon, in her arms to be autographed.

Another book is placed down in front of me by a smiling woman. Her eyes go from me to Reed, who is standing at my back, smiling proudly.

I’ve already overheard several not so quiet whispers wondering who that handsome man is. I should probably get a sign made. Meet the author and her gorgeous husband. He could sign the books too.

Holding in a snicker, I try to keep my face composed. “Who should I make it out to?”