“Was today you?”Ryker swerved around a guy driving a delivery truck. What was he delivering at this hour?
“I was going to ask you the same question,”Archer said. The silence filled the car.
“Does that mean someone really is out to kill Davis?”A reality that could complicate this op.
Archer sighed.“It wouldn’t surprise me. All that conspiracy theory crap stirs up all kinds of weirdness. Still, that does make it harder. How’s Davis taking it?”
“He’s like a pig in…crap. Talking to the world in his big fake Southern accent. Telling them he’s fine and dandy, and nothing is going to stop him.”
Archer grunted.“Not surprised. Bruno Liotta called me from Europe and asked me if I’d heard anything. He is a…friend of sorts. He hates Davis but can’t appear to be ignoring him. Davis is making waves in D.C., which makes Liotta nervous. I have advised Liotta to wait until he’s back in D.C. to speak with Davis. In the interim, he is going to have the Special Agent in Charge for D.C. speak with Davis.”
Ryker grimaced.“Davis is becoming a bigger problem by the minute. If it wasn’t us, then someone else took a shot at him. The clock’s ticking on us ferreting out the culprit. I’ll try to access the traffic cams. Vic heard a motorbike. I’m thinking that may bewhat the shooter used.”
“Anything on the board members Davis is trying to kill?”
Archer’s growl was jagged over the phone line.“I know who it is but I’m having a hard time reaching them.”
“That’s not good. He’s trying to stack the board in his favor. But why? What’s his end game?”
“I have no idea. I can only assume he wants the power that running the Society would give him, but I am quite sure he does not want the actual job. This isn’t a nine-to-five job. I’m on call twenty-four seven.”
Ryker snorted.“He would probably give the day-to-day running of it to Armstrong and his staff.”
“Regardless, what Davis wants to do with the power that comes from running the Society is the mystery that keeps me up at night.”Archer sighed.“I sent you files on Armstrong and Invicta. Interesting reading. I will keep you in the loop about the board members,”he said and then disconnected the call.
Ryker shook his head as dismal thoughts flitted through his brain. This was getting more complex by the minute. Davis had hired trained assassins to kill a couple, one of whom was a Lock and Key board member. That was a seriously ballsy move. Did that mean he was getting desperate? Usually, people didn’t get that level of ballsy unless they were being pushed. It made Ryker wonder if something bigger wasn’t at play in all of this.
He toyed with his bottom lip as he drove, turning his thoughts to Vic. Kissing her was not a smart move. In fact, it was colossally stupid. She just seemed so sad. He’d trained himself out of trying to be the hero, or so he’d thought. That’s how he ended up divorced. He’d married Sonia because she’d needed rescuing and he needed to be a hero. But that hadn’t worked. She wanted him to keep rescuing her and that got old, really fast. He’d thought he’d managed to put that type of behavior behind him but with Vic pressed against him and her scent swirling around him, he seemed to revert to his old ways.
Invicta Carlyle was a hard woman to resist.
Ten minutes later, he strode into Davis’s home office.
“Where the hell have you been?”Davis demanded.
“Looking after your niece. She was shot at and saw a man be killed in front of her. It’s upsetting.”His voice was frosty, but he didn’t care. Davis had to know he was being a major pain in Ryker’s butt. Ryker didn’t have to like the man to make sure he was safe. He’d learned that a long time ago.
“My niece is a tough girl. She’ll be fine. I need you here dealin’ with this crisis. I want to talk to the FBI. Liotta won’t take my calls.”Davis’s face was suffused with color. He did not like being ignored.
“Deputy Director Liotta is in Europe. I’ve spoken with his office.”It was a small lie but one that could be covered if needed.“He is being kept informed as things develop and is monitoring the situation closely. The SAC for Washington D.C. is taking a personal interest in your case. I believe you know him. James Palmer?”
Davis’s eyes lit up.“Jimmy, yes I know him well. Joyce, get Jimmy on the phone for me.”
“Is there anything else you need at this time?”Ryker asked, barely concealing his distaste for the man in front of him.
Davis didn’t bother answering. He turned to his phone and started reading emails.
Ryker left the room and went to find Cash. They were standing in the kitchen when Ryker’s phone buzzed. His heart gave a vicious thump.“Rush,”he answered.
“Ryker, something going on over here. A couple of guys in a dark blue Ford F150 have been watching Vic’s building. Another car, a silver Honda, pulled alongside for a few minutes and then it pulled away. I’m guessing it’s not gone far. I’ll text you the plates. These guys aren’t Feds and they don’t look like law enforcement. They look like…”
Ryker’s heart slammed against his rib cage. Vic was in trouble.“Like what?”he demanded.
“Trouble. Ballcaps with long greasy hair and there’s a confederate flag hanging in the back window of the truck.”
“Son of a… Okay, I’m sending Cash and Flynn over to you. Text me the plates and I’ll run them.”He hung up.