Page 19 of Locked Down

“Shit. Sorry. I’m just…”

“Yeah, and you’re gonna be that way for a while. Everyone copes differently. You’ll figure it out. My best advice is to drink something that will help you sleep and face it in the morning.”

“I’m not sure I can sleep even with the alcohol. I’m too stressed.”She stood and started pacing the room.“Part of me is exhausted but part of me just can’t get the whole thing out of my head. It’s like a film on a loop.”

He picked up the drink and handed it to her again.“Look, I wish there was some other way to help but I’m not a psychologist and working through trauma can take months, if not years. Your best bet is to drink something and crash.”

She let out a loud sigh and tossed back the whiskey in one shot. She grimaced and shuddered, then placed the glass back on the table and resumed her pacing.

He was impressed despite himself. Not many people could throw back a hit like that and not cough.“Rush is going to stay outside and keep an eye on your building. If you prefer, I can station him in your hallway.”

“No outside is fine. I don’t want to freak my neighbors out.”

“Give me your phone,”he said.

She dug in her bag and handed it to him.

Ryker plugged in Rush’s cell and his own number.“Call Rush if you’re in immediate danger. Call me if you need anything. I should get back to your uncle.”

She snorted. Her pacing was getting slower as the whiskey was starting to take effect. She probably hadn’t had anything to eat and after everything she’d been through, it was going to hit hard and fast.“Do you want me to stay until you’re in bed?”

“No, I’m fine.”She yawned.

He grinned.“I’ll leave then. Lock the door behind me.”

She followed him to the door. He glanced at her and the squeeze of his heart made his breath falter. She looked so forlorn and sad. He hated leaving her all on her own.“Is there anyone I can call for you? Someone who could be here with you?”

She shook her head.“I’ll be okay.”Her gaze met his and he threw reason to the wind and pulled her into his arms. He held her tightly.“I’m so sorry this happened to you.”

“Me too,”she mumbled and pressed her face against his chest.

This was bad. Rescuing women was his weakness. After what happened with his ex-wife, he thought he was cured of this but somehow Vic amped up his protective instincts like they were on steroids.

He kissed the top of her head.“Rush is right outside if you get scared. I can have him come in and sleep on your couch if that will make you feel better.”

In truth, he wasn’t thrilled with that idea but he wasn’t going to poke around in his brain as to why. He’d thought he’d made himself cold. Icy when it came to women. Take what was offered but form no attachment had been his motto for the last few years. Somehow, he was struggling with keeping Vic at arm’s length.

In reality, Rush wasn’t much good outside, but Ryker didn’t think anyone was going to try anything tonight. He thought having Rush close by might make her feel better.

“I’m okay.”She met his gaze.

Her scent surrounded him as he noticed how well her curves fit against the hard planes of his body. He needed to drop his arms and go out the door. Business. Not pleasure.Just business.Yeah… no matter how much he told himself that, it wasn’t working. She suddenly lifted on her tiptoes and brushed her lips against his. He responded by opening his mouth and claiming hers. Their tongues met and he was done. He pulled her in closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

His cell phone went off with a text message. It was the splash of cold water he needed. He let her go.“Call Rush if you need anything.”He opened the door and fled down the hallway to the elevator.“Sterling, you’re an idiot,”he mumbled as he stabbed the button for the ground floor. What had he been thinking? He wasn’t thinking. At least not with the right head.


Ryker ran a hand through his hair and then grabbed his cell from his pocket.

Davis is looking for you.The text was from one of his guys, Cash Walker.

On my way. He sent the text and hit the sidewalk. Rush flashed his headlights at Ryker, and he waved in response.

Vic would be safe enough tonight.

He hit the speed dial number on this phone as he pulled away from the curb.

“Gray,”the voice said as it came through the SUV speakers.