“Of course. We have to do a photo shoot. Your uncle and I were thinking of doing it before, but the Jasmine Door has such a lovely garden in the center with the fountain and we thought it would be divine if the photographer got a few shots of you and us there. Several of the local magazines have already made inquiries. And naturally, the pictures will be used in the newspapers and online.”
Naturally.Vic gripped the table’s edge and tried not to panic. This was not something she wanted to do, like ever. This whole party had obviously been in the planning stage for months before they’d told her. This was no last minute soiree. This was an event.Damn. Damn. Damn!
Just then, a woman Marilee knew approached the table. The two ladies chatted while Vic managed to keep a fake smile on her face and make all the right sounds at all the right moments. At least they’d stopped discussing flowers.
Yvette Darlington, Marilee’s friend was the wife of an oil baron, also from Texas. She and Marilee had known each other for years. Yvette’s son was a junior senator and Marilee and Austin had helped him get elected.
“Marilee,”the other woman said as she leaned forward,“did you hear about Patsy, the Vice President’s wife?”Yvette’s blonde bob didn’t move. Everything was held exactly in place with hairspray. And God only knew how her face remained completely motionless, except for the widening of her eyes. This woman had had a lot of work done. Nothing wrong with that, Vic reminded herself. She wasn’t there to judge. Women like Marilee and Yvette were under a lot of pressure to maintain appearances. The moment they faltered, someone younger was just waiting to take their place. Power was the ultimate aphrodisiac in Washington.
“No. What’s goin’ on?”Marilee scooted to the edge of her chair.
Vic’s stomach rolled. She did not want to hear this. She didn’t want to know any of it. The fact that she already knew her uncle was planning to run for Vice President made her ill. She wanted to stick her fingers in her ears and sing at the top of her lungs so she didn’t hear anymore.
“Someone saw her leaving the Naval Observatory with all kinds of luggage. They said it looked like she was moving out.”
“That just can’t be,”Marilee said. Her eyes were wide and her mouth went into a small O.
Bullshit. Vic had been around Marilee long enough to know when she was playing along with someone. Marilee was fully aware of this news before now. That meant she knew about Uncle Austin’s plans. And why wouldn’t she? They were definitely a power couple, and she was just as much of a social climber as he was.
Marilee said,“I can’t imagine. I mean I know the VP has been feeling poorly but do you think it’s serious?”
Yvette lowered her voice and continued,“My money’s on the chance they may be getting a divorce.”
Marilee frowned. Clearly, that was not the conclusion she wanted people to jump to. That wasn’t going to help.“I don’t believe that for a second. Patsy just dotes on the VP. I can’t imagine she would walk out, especially not when he’s feeling so poorly. There simply must be another reason.”
“Well, I heard that they’re arguing a whole lot. Meredith Silver’s housekeeper is friends with one of Patsy’s gardeners. He told her they argue all the time about whether he’ll run again.”
Now this was more like it.Thiswas what Marilee wanted to hear. There was a gleam in her eye that was hard to miss. Sudden awareness illuminated Vic’s brain. Marilee had manifested herself as the Second Lady. She thought that she would move into the Naval Observatory with Uncle Austin.
Oh my God.This was worse than she imagined. This party they were thrusting on her was going to be a launch of sorts and she was going to be right in the middle of it. Bile rose in her throat. She reached for her drink and took a large swallow.
“I guess I can understand that,”Marilee said.“The VP is in poor health and another run just might do him in.”
“Exactly,”Yvette agreed.“I think it’s only a matter of time now before the VP throws in the towel. He won’t survive a divorce in office, and she’ll leave him if he stays. He hasn’t got a choice.”
“Mrs. Darlington,”the waiter said quietly from a few feet away.“Your guest is here and is seated.”
“I simply must run, Marilee. So good to see you. I look forward to the party.”She air-kissed Marilee’s cheek and then was gone.
Vic was motionless, stunned. The enormity of the situation was just starting to sink in. Her uncle was going to be Vice President of the United States. That was mind-blowing on its own, but when she put that knowledge together with what Ryker had said, it brought tears to her eyes. She ducked her head and blinked rapidly to clear the evidence. She couldn’t get out of town soon enough. She was booking her flight just as soon as she got home today.
“I… I’m sorry Marilee, I missed what you said.”
“I know. It’s simply shocking. I cannot believe Patsy would leave unless Wilford was going with her. She idolizes that man.”
Vic didn’t know what to say to that whopper, but it turns out she didn’t have to say anything to it. Marilee carried on all by herself.“It would be nice to know that it’s all going to happen. This waiting is getting on my nerves.”She frowned. Then as if she suddenly realized what she said, she put on a huge fake smile and said,“Well now…where were we? Oh, yes. The photo shoot. I was thinking…”
Vic tuned her out. In fact, even though she was talking, she was sure Marilee wasn’t really paying attention either. Studying her closely, Vic noticed the woman’s makeup didn’t quite hide the dark circles under her eyes. Marilee’s artificially smooth face had a few more lines than it used to. Yes, she was starting to fray a little around the edges. She wasn’t the only one. Vic finished her drink and signaled the waiter for a second one.
“My goodness, Invicta, it’s a little early for a second drink, dear,”Marilee commented with a frown.
“Oh, honey.”Two could play the good old Texas girl card.“I have been shot at, trotted out for various dog and pony shows, and paraded around like a prize-winnin’ heifer. And that was just last week. Now, with zero warnin’ and no real time to do it, I am plannin’ a party that needs to be a roaring success. I don’t even want to go to the party, even though I am supposedly the guest of honor. And when I go home tonight, I’ll still need to finish all the work I didn’t get done today because of said party plannin’. My uncle can be wonderful but he can also be a son of a bitch, and I am just full-on exhausted. So, you know what? I’m going to have a second drink because I know he’ll start barking orders soon and it’s going to suck. I would advise you to do the same. It’s going to be a long couple of weeks for us both.”
Marilee looked at Vic, her eyes wide for real this time. When the waiter arrived at the table, she turned and said,“Make that two.”
And right there, Vic suddenly felt a rush of affection for her uncle’s girlfriend. Marilee had to know what a bastard he would be over the next two weeks. Every minute was going to suck and she did not envy Marilee’s position one bit. She was being set up astheWashington hostess. One little thing out of place and it would be her fault.
She put her hand on Marilee’s arm.“Now about the rest of the decor. Let’s leave it to the hotel. It’s the Jasmine door. They know what the hell they’re doing. I’m shocked they fit us in but since they did, let’s leave them to do the lion’s share of the heavy lifting. That’s what they’re there for.”