“We like his plan the best,”Cash confirmed.
Archer stood, put his palms flat on the table, and leaned forward. He spoke through clenched teeth.“I do not care which plan you like. If Austin Davis dies from anything in the next couple of months, I will personally take each and every one of you out myself. Do you understand?”
All the camaraderie got sucked out of the room. Archer was dead serious with his promise. He would kill them all if they tried to take out Davis.
Ryker blurted,“I know you want us to follow the rules, but taking over the world has to be against them, doesn’t it? It has to be breaking something.”
Archer stared at Ryker and then straightened. He pinched the bridge of his nose.“Unfortunately, it appears not. I stayed up and read all the fucking fine print last night and there is nothing in there we can use. We all know Austin has done things but knowing isn’t enough. Proving it matters. Only solid proof will get the board’s buy-in. Currently, with two seats empty, I’m not sure that’s even possible. If it came down to a vote today, for Davis or myself, I’m not sure I would win.”
That hit home hard. Ryker slumped in his chair. If they hadn’t realized they were in the fight of their lives before, they sure as hell knew it now.
“I know you all think I am being pedantic, but the rules are what separate us from”—Archer looked straight at Ryker—“the bad guys. We follow them to the letter. Get me proof that Davis has broken a serious rule, and I will most happily let you draw and quarter him if you feel like it. But until then, he’s off limits.”
Archer gave them all a curt nod and walked out of the room.
“Shit,”Flynn said.“That sucks balls.”
Cash nodded.“Damn right it does. There’s got to be something we can do. This is just batshit crazy.”
Rush studied Ryker.“What? What are you thinking?”
Ryker shrugged.“I’ve got something. A thread to pull. Rush, I know Archer already told you about it, but I could use all of you this afternoon. Davis is meeting someone. I have no idea who or where, but it could be important. Maybe we can get some answers. Or better yet; proof.”
“I’m in,”Cash said as he stood.“Text me the deets.”He strolled out of the room.
“Me too,”agreed Flynn.“I’ve got a thing, but tell me where and when and I’ll be there.”He left as well.
Rush narrowed his eyes at Ryker.“You’re planning something.”
Ryker shrugged slightly.“Not really. Just a glimmer of an idea starting. Either way, I’ll need you this afternoon.”
“I’ll be there.”Rush also stood.“Just be careful. Archer wasn’t joking.”
Ryker stood. He knew in his bones not killing Davis was a mistake. One he wasn’t necessarily willing to make.“No, he wasn’t. But some things are worth dying for.”
“Sugar, you look tired,”her uncle said, his accent as thick as mosquitoes in July. He’d stopped by her desk shortly after she’d arrived this morning.“Marilee and I thought today would be the perfect day for you to take a break from work and start plannin’ for your big birthday shindig. You know she gave me proper hell for not startin’ sooner but I told her I just know you two will work your magic and make this an extraordinary event. She wants to take you shopping as well. You need a new dress for your birthday.”He’d smiled at her like this was the best thing ever.
Her heart dropped to her knees with a thump. She didn’t have the day from hell on her dance card for today.“Um, I guess I could meet Marilee for lunch. I do have a lot to do today.”
“Nonsense. I’m orderin’ you to take some time to yourself. Go meet her at ten. She made reservations at one of her favorite brunch places. I’ll text you the address. Don’t worry about work. It will still be there when you get home tonight. You go enjoy yourself.”
And that was how she found herself sitting in a trendy restaurant around the corner from the White House looking over place settings and chair decorations with Marilee.
“I really appreciate all that you’re doing but I’m not a big fan of large parties. Is there any way we can keep this small? Maybe something more intimate?”Vic asked.
“Now what do you think of this one? Hmm? I love the purple color, but maybe it’s giving too spring wedding vibes.”
She didn’t care about the vibes. This process was freaking agonizing. Vic had a roaring headache.“You know, Marilee, your eye for color and design is better than mine so I’m happy to go with whatever you think would be best.”
“Nonsense, Invicta. You have wonderful taste, dear.”Marilee patted her on the hand.“Now what do you think about this pink?”
Vic took another sip of her mimosa. Was it too early to have a second glass? She took a deep breath.“You know, Marilee, I think the deep purple would be lovely with white tablecloths, especially if we had white flowers with a few deep purple ones in each vase as centerpieces.”
Marilee stared at her for a moment and then broke into a wide smile.“You are so right! It will be marvelous.”She closed the file with the pictures of the decor.“Now we have to work on the photo shoot.”
“Photo shoot?”Vic damn near screamed.