“You’re right, Lilypad, this is way better than watching the Thor workout video again.” Alice took another sip of her gin and tonic, her eyes widening as a shirtless Brady bent over to retrieve the fence wire.
“Right?” Sam squeaked, her gaze never leaving her boyfriend’s fine form.
Lily, Sam, and Alice sat in deck chairs overlooking the creek as Jake, Duke, and Brady were working on putting up a new fence. Despite the cool breeze and overcast sky, Alice was convinced she was giving off enough heat to set the field alight.
“You know, when you suggested keeping me company today, darlin’, I thought you were actually gonna help, not sit there ogling me and my men like we’re pieces of meat.” Jake strolled over, addressing his wife with a knowing smirk.
Lily beamed. “Less talking, Jake, more removing of clothes, please. How come Brady and Duke are topless and you’re not?”
Jake snorted. “’Cause those two assholes like showing off for their women. There’s no need for me to show off, sweetheart, I already got you to marry me, remember?”
Lily scoffed at his wink.
Alice couldn’t help but giggle. If someone had told her a few months ago she would be sitting here openly perving over a shirtless Brady Mitchell, she wouldn’t have believed them. In fact, she probably would have laughed in their faces. But right now, there was nowhere she’d rather be.
Their sunbathing cover was weak at best, so it was no surprise they’d cottoned on. The gawking kind of gave them away.
Brady shot her a crooked grin as he started toward her. She was ashamed to admit that just the sight of him made her knees weak. At least she was sitting down. It made her realise just how far gone she was. She couldn’t pretend it was only her hormones in control anymore, especially after the past few weeks. Not only were they spending every night together, but they’d also opened up to each other, and it had brought them closer than ever.
“Sweetness.” Brady’s gravelly voice caused the air to rush from her lungs. “Are you enjoying the show?” He didn’t bother stopping until he made it to her chair, the scent of pine and sweat filling up her nostrils as he loomed over her, bracing his hands on the armrests of her chair.
Okay, maybe my hormones are still very much in play.
Easily capturing her mouth, his tongue immediately swept past her lips. She just couldn’t help letting out a whimper as she slowly melted into him. Memorising every taste. Savouring every tingle. He felt so right.
“Will you guys get a room!” Sam yelled from beside her.
As Brady drew back, he kept his eyes firmly on Alice. “Oh, we’ll definitely be getting a room. Won’t we, sweetness?”
Yep, I’m fucked.
Alice was attempting to fidget her way out of freaking out. Sitting in her boss’s office, waiting for Richard was making her twitchy. She felt like a naughty child being called into the headteacher’s office.
This was it. He was going to fire her. She knew this job was too good to be true.
If she had known this was going to be her last day, she would have at least washed her hair, and she definitely wouldn’t be wearing a T-shirt with It’s going tibia okay scribbled across her chest.
Looking real frigging professional, Alice.
“Alice, sorry to keep you waiting.” Richard’s booming voice echoed around the room as he entered. He kept his eyes on her as he took a seat behind his large oak desk.