Page 49 of Expiry Dating

She didn’t know him all that well, but he was obviously a veteran himself. Everything about the man screamed military. As well as the shaved head and his immaculate suits, he was also serious, authoritative, and extremely intimidating.

“No worries.” In an attempt to keep a slither of her dignity, she crossed her legs and laid her intertwined fingers over her knee. It didn’t make her feel any less of a hot mess though.

“I bet you’re wondering why I called you in today?” A ghost of a smile appeared across his slightly withered features.

“Um, yes. Did I do something wrong?” She might as well cut to the chase.

Richard’s mask dropped for a second. “No, Alice, you haven’t done anything wrong. In fact, I’m very pleased with the work that you’ve been doing.”

Oh thank God.

“That’s a relief.” She managed a small smile as she started to relax.

“I actually asked you in here today to find out what your plans are for the future. Are you planning on staying in Bluestone?”

She wasn’t expecting that at all. But it was a good question and one that she’d been thinking about for a while now. However, her sister’s recent announcement had made her decision a lot easier. “Yes, I am. I plan on making Bluestone my home, permanently.”

Richard grinned, and she realised that she’d never seen him full-out grin before. He must like her after all. “I’m glad to hear that because a permanent position has recently opened up and I’d like to put you forward for it. Is that something you’d consider?”

Oh my God, they actually want me to stay! Greasy hair, bone pun tops and all!

She fought back the urge to do a happy dance around Richard’s office. He would not like that.

“Yes, yes, definitely. I love working here, and it would be an honour to be considered for a permanent position.”

“Excellent. Just what I wanted to hear. The position is yours, everything else is just a formality. I’ll file the paperwork today and get things started.”

“Thank you, Richard, I really appreciate it.”

And she did. She never expected to actually find a job in her field so close by, let alone one where she liked both the people she worked with as well as her clients. Working at the VA Clinic had been more fulfilling than she’d ever imagined.

Richard stood, which was her cue to leave. She made sure she thanked him one last time before turning toward the door.

“Oh, Alice.” His deep voice stopped her in her tracks, and she twisted her head to see him. “I like the shirt.”

She let out an awkward laugh, another quieter thank you, and then scurried out the door.

Once she was back in her therapy room, she got the happy dance out of her system and grabbed her phone. There was only one person she wanted to call right now.

After just three rings, he answered. “What’s up, sweetness?”

“Guess what?”

“Um ... you’re the sexiest woman on the planet?”

Damn. Even over the phone he could make her blush. “No. But I appreciate the lie. I just got offered a permanent position at the clinic!” Her voice was actually squeaking in excitement.

“Baby, that’s amazing! Congratulations!”

“I know, I’m so fricking happy,” she gushed. “I mean, one minute I thought I was gonna be fired ’cos I told Duncan to go fuck himself, and the next, they’re asking me to stay!”

Brady’s bassy laugh rumbled down the line. “Of course you did. Right, I’m swinging by after work and taking you out. Tonight, we’re gonna celebrate.”

That sounded perfect. She wasn’t going to dwell on why he was the first person she wanted to tell and the only person she wanted to celebrate with. Not today anyway. Today she was celebrating. A new start. A new life.

The day flew by after that and it wasn’t long before she was climbing into Brady’s truck and heading into Splitrock. He’d even brought her over a change of clothes after she confessed she wasn’t exactly dressed for a night out.

“So, where is it you’re taking me again?” Alice twisted her head just in time to see a devilish grin light up Brady’s face.