Page 22 of Expiry Dating

“How the hell did you get to be so insightful?”

“I’m hardly Mystic Meg or anything. I just know you, Ali.”

She was so lucky to have Lucy in her life. The truth was, Becky’s betrayal had hurt so much more than Rob’s. Alice had distanced herself from all her friends since then, even Lucy. Thankfully, though, her friend persisted, and right now, Alice was truly grateful she did.

“Okay, Luce. The floor is yours. What is it that I already feel, and what do you think I should do about Brady?”

“You want him. You know you do. So take him. Give yourself this.”

Yep, that’s what I thought she’d say. Why is the thought making my hands sweat?

“He wants all of me apparently. I’m pretty sure that means some sort of relationship?”

“So? It really doesn’t matter what he wants. It’s about what you want. Make your own rules, Ali. If you want casual, tell him that. I hardly think he’s gonna turn you down.”

Her friend was right. She could absolutely do this. Screw being safe and sensible. If she wanted Brady Mitchell, then she was going to take him. Her way.


It was a Saturday night, and like the anti-social loser he was, Brady was drinking beer on his couch watching serial killer documentaries. Jake had tried several times to drag Brady out, but he was too pissed to be decent company.

He’d had a long day at work, which had ended with a man he’d stopped for speeding ignoring his warnings and getting into a crash ten minutes later. Brady was now contemplating the idiocy of the general population and shouting at his show every time the victim did something he deemed stupid.

Before he could take his anger out on the television again, someone knocked on his door. The only person who would drop by uninvited was Jake. Brady stayed seated, wondering what the odds were of Jake leaving if Brady just ignored him. Another louder knock sounded out and after mumbling, “I’m coming,” he left the comfort of his couch.

What he was not expecting when he flung open the door was Alice Hart, but he couldn’t deny how good it was to see her standing there, looking sexy as hell in a short navy dress that clung to all her beautiful curves.

“To what do I owe this pleasure, sweetness?” He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

“Um ... can I come in?”

Never once had he seen Alice nervous, but right there, right then, he realised that that’s what she was. He stepped aside and gestured for her to come in, being sure to check out the dress from behind.

“Want a beer?”

She fumbled with her fingers for a moment before giving him a nod. It was safe to say that this was unusual behaviour for Alice. It was kind of freaky. She hadn’t even insulted him yet.