“Ava, open the door!”
“Now! I’m not asking.” My heart raced as I imagined all sorts of ways her royal highness could be injured in there. Her behaviour the last few days was maddening and confusing, but that didn’t stop me from caring for her. It only worried me more. “Ava! I’ll break down the fucking door!”
The door swung open, and Ava’s panicked blue eyes met mine, tears glistening in the corners. “I’m fine!” she snapped. “See?” She gestured toward her body and made to slam the door again, but I stopped it with one hand.
I scanned her body. No blood. “What’s happened then?”
Her lower lip trembled, and she folded her arms across her chest. Ava’s eyes dropped to the floor, and she mumbled, “I forgot to pack my meds.”
I grinned and caught her chin with my finger, tipping her head up to make her look at me. “That’s it? What do you need? I’ll run and get it for you.”
She gave me a withering look and shoved my hand away. “No, you stupid arse.”
I laughed at her use of a Britishism. I was rubbing off on her.
“They’re prescription meds.”
“And you need them right now?”
Ava nodded and leaned against the white quartz bathroom counter. She caught her pendant in one hand and anxiously twisted the gold chain around her finger.
“We can have them sent, can’t we?”
“But then they won’t be here until tomorrow, and I need to take one now.” Her voice was tight and a bit shaky.
“What are they for?” I didn’t honestly think she’d tell me, but my curiosity was piqued. It wasn’t often that Ava gave me a glimpse of her imperfections. They fascinated me far more than her fancy clothes and pretty lipsticks.
She shocked me with her quiet answer. “Depression.” Ava glanced up at me with fire in her eyes, daring me to say something.
Was that all? “That’s all right, then. No shame in that, Ava. What can I do?”
Ava blinked in surprise and then let out a deep breath. She smoothed back her blonde tresses and said, “Sometimes talk therapy takes the edge off, but my therapist isn’t working this week. The co-worker that she refers me to when she’s out of town is a patronizing asshole.” Ava clenched her jaw and looked away.
I gave her a little smile. “Lucky for you, I’m a brilliant fake boyfriend and fake therapist. Step into my office.” I backed out of the doorway and gestured toward the blue sofa.
Ava flashed me that stunning real smile and shook her head. “Fat chance I’m dumping all of my ugly shit on you. I’m calling Jeanie to overnight my meds, and I’m sure I can find a better replacement therapist.”
I laughed out loud and caught her hand, tugging her gently with me to the sofa. “Come on, love. I’m here, right now. I know you’re angry with me, but I truly am a good listener, and I swear on my mum’s life that nothing you say will leave this room.”
Ava settled in beside me on the sofa and smirked. “Promise on Lucy’s life, and I’ll believe you.”
I raised both eyebrows and laughed. “Savage, Ava.” I shook my head and let out a deep breath. “I promise on my ex-girlfriend’s life that nothing you say will leave this room.”
Ava nodded but gave me a quizzical, mistrusting look. “I just…” She let out a deep breath and twisted her pendant again, chewing on her lower lip. “I mean, I’m sure you understand that fame is heavy sometimes. Trolls are shitty. Having the whole world watching and judging your every move fucks your head up a little.”
I nodded. That was the thing I was least prepared for when I won the last season of Wild Love. Instant fame was an unpleasant shock to my system. “Course.”
“But, but that’s not what this is.” Ava pointed to herself as tears filled her aqua eyes again. “I…”
Her breath caught in her chest, and I instinctively reached over to hold her hand. “What is it?”
She let out a shaky breath. “I’ve always been prone to depression, even as a kid. It just sneaks up sometimes, like an ocean current of self-loathing that tries to pull me under and drown me. Sometimes I can go years without a depressive episode. And other times…” Ava shrugged, and a single tear rolled down her cheek.
“And you’re in the middle of an episode right now?”
Ava nodded. “It’s not a big deal, though. I’ll be fine.” She flashed me her beauty blogger smile.