I snorted. “Great. I’ll pack an extra smile.”
“Atta girl,” Jeanie deadpanned.
Was it even possible to make Dom and Lucy’s friends like me? I guessed not. But I would go and stay “sparkly.” It was my damn job.
“Baby!” I flung my arms around Dominic’s neck and planted a kiss on his lips when we met at the airport. A handful of people stopped to take pictures. We laughed and smiled and posed for selfies with a few fans before heading to the first-class lounge area.
As soon as we were alone, I unhooked myself from Dominic’s body and sat on the opposite end of the black leather couch.
“Ava,” he began.
“What?” I snapped, staring down at my phone.
“Can we talk yet?”
I glanced up and gave him a cold, detached look. “We don’t have to speak to each other when the cameras aren’t watching. I’d prefer that, lover boy.” I threw the words he’d used on our first date back at him.
“Are you joking?” He groaned. “Stop acting like a royal pain in the arse, and let me explain!”
“Gawd! I already told you! There’s nothing to explain!”
The lounge door opened, and a few more VIPs entered and took seats on the opposite side of the room. They looked like executive types in their slick suits. They paid us no notice and immediately pulled out their laptops.
Dominic let out an irritated little growl and slid closer to me on the couch. “You can’t stay mad at me for two more months, Ava.”
I scoffed and pointed my body away from him. “Who says I’m mad, Dom?” I was acting like a super brat, and I knew it. It was a defense mechanism. My sad little brain was freaking out, and I was barely holding it together. Every aspect of life just felt heavy, and I couldn’t handle anything he had to say right now. I needed to focus on my breathing and prep to play the role the world wanted to see.
“Your face. The way you’re holding your shoulders so close to your ears. The way you’re crossing your legs away from me.”
I let out an irritated sigh. “Why do you care if I’m mad?”
“Because I care about you.” Dominic gave me a pointed look.
Something fluttered in my stomach. I ignored it. “Sorry that Lucy won’t be there. It would have been a great opportunity to make her jealous and try to get her back.” Could he hear the irony dripping from my words? We set out to make Lucy jealous, but now I was the jealous one. Funny.
I stood and moved to an empty couch, signaling the end of our conversation. I was feeling dark, exhausted, and incapable of dealing with any emotions. I just wanted to sleep off the depressive wave that I felt coming.
I couldn’t let myself unravel in front of all of Dom and Lucy’s friends this week. I knew that I’d be unwanted. I couldn’t let them see how much it got to me. I wouldn’t.
Fake the smiles. Fake the charm. Fake the strength that isn’t there.
Her royal highness was still miffed with me about the party on Saturday. She pretended to be asleep for the entire flight — even stayed silent when the flight attendant came by with glasses of champagne.
When the plane landed, Ava continued to give me the silent treatment. We checked into our posh suite near South Point Beach in Miami, and she immediately locked herself in the bathroom. I took the time to admire our room while she primped for the party this evening. It was really something with its massive four-poster bed and beachy decor—a far cry from the way I grew up. Here, the walls were bright and covered with cheerful, trendy paintings. Every inch of the room was clean, and it smelled of coconut.
I let out a deep breath and collapsed on the bed. This was my only chance to give it a go. Ava was sure to make me sleep on the little blue sofa down in the sitting area.
Bloody hell, it was a nice, soft bed. I almost started to doze when I heard a piercing shriek from the bathroom.
I bolted upright and ran to the closed bathroom door. I pounded on it. “Ava! Ava, what’s happened?”
I could hear Ava’s heavy breathing through the door. “Nothing!” she yelled, her voice shrill and tight. “Go away!”