Page 63 of Fresh Old Bounties

“I can track him down,” Shane said.

“Thanks, but no need,” I said with a sour smile. “If he’d wanted to get in contact, he would’ve. I’m not hard to find.”

“Could it be him who wants the spellbook?” Dru asked.

I frowned. I had no way of knowing what kind of man my father was, so theoretically, it could be possible. “Seems like going through a lot of effort when he could simply walk in and ask for it.”

“If he did that and you refused to give it to him, then you’d for sure know it was him when he hired someone to steal it,” Dru pointed out.

“You have a very suspicious mind.”

She shrugged. “It makes sense.”

I thought back to the man I’d seen leaving Ian’s house. Could he be my father? I abandoned the notion immediately. Way too young.

But could Dru be right? Could my father be involved? Even though I’d promised to myself that everyone is a suspect was my new motto, the coincidences were starting to be a bit too much if I added my father to the pile—Dru’s ex-boyfriend arriving in town at the same time someone put a hit on the spellbook, and also at the same time someone attempted to pass as Ian’s ex-partner’s son.

I was getting a headache just thinking about all the moving parts.

“We’re going to need a murder board,” I muttered.

Alex munched on some chips. “We got a couple of leftover white plastic planks from that job at the old firehouse.”

“Want me to bring them, boss?” Shane asked.

Ian shook his head. “I doubt Hope’s father is involved. If he knew about the spellbook, he’d have tried to get it long ago.”

“Maybe he did get it,” I said. “Maybe he found it before he left, and nobody realized. That’s why everyone still thinks Grandma had it. Maybe Grandma never knew she was in possession of it. It might’ve been in some trunk in the attic.”

“Secret super-powered witch,” Alex said.

I wished. “I’m definitely not a super-powered witch. Doing a big spell completely wipes me out.”

“Are you sure?”

“There’s a test.”

Everyone snapped to attention.

“There’s a test?” Alex repeated, clearly for the suddenly attentive audience.

“Yup. I keep a couple in case a local teen witch comes into their power.”

“Take it,” Alex urged.

Shane nodded. Ian tilted his head in a thoughtful manner. Even Dru appeared interested.

“Fine. But it’s not going to reveal anything amazing.”

“You never know,” Alex said eagerly. “I bet your powers have been dormant until now! Hold on.” He brought out his phone and sent a text. While still holding the bag of chips in his other hand. Talk about powerful. “Let’s wait for Key.”

Shane tensed, his one eye narrowing.

Oh, boy. I glanced at Ian, but he seemed unaware of the possible drama developing under his nose. Ah, well. He had basically told me to mind my own business earlier where the strays were concerned. Nothing to be done but wait and watch. Gleefully.

Mark arrived before Key could.

“What did I miss?” he said, out of breath.