“We’re testing to see if she’s a super witch,” Alex said happily.
Great, now it was a party.
“Her?” Mark focused on Dru. “A demon-witch mix?”
Alex laughed. Dru fought a grin but lost. Shane shook with silent mirth. I didn’t dare look at Ian.
“Me,” I snapped, feeling my cheeks heat. “I’m the possible super witch.”
The berserker’s snort told everyone what he thought about that, and for a moment, I wished I was secretly a super witch so I could rearrange the features on his face from where I stood.
Breathe in, breathe out. Those who think less of you simply do not know the full extent of your greatness. It is not your job to educate them if they won’t educate themselves. Let them fall into the pit of their ignorance and then remove the ladder.
I gave Mark one of my best customer-facing smiles. The one they knew was fully fake and there wasn’t a damn thing they could do about it. “Those who doubt only do it out of their own self-doubt.”
He wriggled his eyebrows. “Nice try, super witch.”
Tonight I was making a super witch spell just for him for whenever he came around to restock on potions. Nothing Grandma would disapprove of, of course, just a small reminder of who was boss witch here.
A clang on the back door announced another new arrival. Sonia? My third grade teacher? At this point the possibilities were infinite.
Almost immediately, thunder cracked in the distance, and I groaned internally. This was why you asked the universe, not dared it.
“I’ll take care of this,” I said before anyone could move.
I all but ran into the backyard and jerked the gate open. The evening had gotten darker while we had been waiting inside, making Jeremy the mage, a.k.a Brimstone and Destruction, a long, looming shadowy being. Right on brand.
“Busy today. Come in a couple of days,” I said.
His mouth snapped closed, then his brows dipped deeply, giving him a scary, malevolent expression I was sure he practiced in front of the mirror. “You told me to come today.”
With everything that had been going on, I’d forgotten our appointment. Immediately contrite, I gentled my voice. “I’m sorry. Something came up and I can’t make your potion right now.” I glanced over my shoulder in a meaningful gesture. “I have company.”
Jeremy the mage took the hint immediately. Stiffening, he backed away. “I will return tomorrow.” He pointed at me. “There better not be any more delays.”
“There won’t,” I promised.
He spun on his heel and walked down the alley. Another crack of thunder marked his departure. Behind me, Fluffy let out a sharp yip of surprise.
I closed the gate, turned, and saw Mark and Alex’s faces plastered to the kitchen window. Hopefully it was dark enough that they hadn’t gotten a good look at Brimstone and Destruction. Deciding to let them simmer in their curiosity for a few more moments, I crouched and gave Fluffy some much needed affection. On both sides.
“I’m sorry, Fluffy,” I whispered. “I’ll tell thunder man not to do that when you’re around.”
Rufus woofed in agreement, and I gave him some head scritches before walking back inside. This time, I left the back door open so the dogs could come and go at will. The poor things deserved the freedom after waiting patiently for so long.
“A client. I told them to come back tomorrow,” I said the moment I stepped into the kitchen. Ian had been standing in the door, blocking anyone from trying to follow me. Too bad he couldn’t clone himself and stand at the window too.
Everyone took me at my word, and nobody appeared unduly curious. To my great relief no more uninvited guests arrived before Key did, out of breath as if she’d run the whole way over.
Her eyes widened at the assembly, and she swallowed hard. “Uh.”
I clapped my hands, gaining everyone’s attention. “Let’s do this.”
“Are you really a super witch?” Key whispered as we moved into the shop.
“That’s what we’re about to find out,” I said, injecting some sunshine in my voice for the benefit of my audience.
They might think it a possibility, but I had no doubts my powers were nothing special. I had taken the test several times—once when I’d first figured out I was a witch, excited to see the extent of my magic, and again when I’d joined the Council officially.