“He doesn’t look the sort to rush into a relationship. I thought you were stacking the odds in my favor to win our challenge. Have you changed your mind? Have you gone all fairy godmother on Lux and decided to leave me to fend for myself?”
Ms. Birdie patted his cheek. “Stop fretting. I’ve adjusted my plan in lieu of your certainty Lux wants nothing to do with you, but my goal for you to win is very much alive.”
He shifted his stance. “Are you sure you’re not spreading yourself too thin? Perhaps you should hand Doc off to another of your associates.”
“I am perfectly capable of multi-tasking,” Ms. Birdie said, shaking a finger at him. “I’ll have you know, I’ve never had a failure in my fairy godmother endeavors, and I don’t plan on starting with two of my top-ten favorite subjects ever. When the dust has settled on your How to Win a Rake in Eight challenge, you will have won, and Lux’s consolation prize will be the prince of her heart.”
Scott scrubbed a hand down his jawline. “A prince who wears patches on the sleeves of his jacket instead of a crown on his head is a sorry excuse of a loser’s prize if you ask me.”
“Then it’s a good thing I didn’t ask you. Now, enough with your massive ego. I must go say hi to our Luxury.”
Our. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the sound of that. “I’ll come with you.” He turned in the direction Ms. Birdie glanced, saw Doc, and stopped breathing. Never had he seen a more beautiful woman in his life…ever. Next to her were Ziggy and Isabella.
“Nonsense,” Ms. Birdie said. “You’re here as a single man. She’s here as a single woman. The only time the two of you will interact will be if your numbers align in an activity.”
“Numbers?” he asked.
“You’ll see.” With that cryptic reply, Ms. Birdie floated off in the direction of her newest guest.
Scott forced his gaze off Doc and headed to the bar. If he was to survive the night, he needed a stiff drink and a good spot to survey his competition. Yes, competition. Suddenly every man in the room had the potential of taking Doc from him, and fuck if he would let that happen…yet.
“I’m going to marry that woman,” said a man coming to a stop next to Scott.
Scott turned to see who’d spoken. Fucking Mr. Corduroy.
“And which woman would that be?” Scott asked.
“The beauty in the pink, wearing the tiara,” Mr. Corduroy replied. “The moment she walked through the door, I felt my heart leave my chest.”
Scott managed a laugh and not a growl. “Slow down. I don’t think even love at first sight works that fast.” Did it work that fast?
The guy, his gaze still on Doc, smiled. “It does in my family.”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Ms. Birdie said, a microphone in her hand. “It is time to commence with the flirtation part of this gala. I’d like to assure each of you that everyone present has been carefully vetted. What does that mean? It means that you’re all considered wonderful candidates for dating. That being said, not everyone is adept at making an initial great impression. Thus, I’d like for all of you to be open to giving one another a second glance after the event is over. To assist in this, each man has five cards. On the front, they’ve been instructed to place their first name and contact information. On the back, they were to list their favorite movie, favorite holiday, favorite date night venue, and their favorite saying. They’ve been instructed to hand out all five cards by the end of the gala. Then they will await your call if you’re interested after this evening.
“Ladies, I’d like to remind you to exercise kindness when a gentleman hands you a card, and if they don’t hand you one, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not interested. It may mean they’re nervous and they forgot, that they plan to approach you later, or they’re afraid you’re out of their league.
“Now for the rules of the Flirtation Gala. First names only. Show grace to one another as you have fun practicing your flirtation game. And remember everyone is not everyone’s cup of tea and that is okay.
“Men, if you will take a seat in a red chair, the ladies will come and take a seat in a green chair.” She pointed toward two long rows of chairs facing one another. In between each set of chairs was a short screen to block the view of those who sat beside them. “There are no assigned seats. Once everyone is in place, I will explain the rules of Speed Flirting.”
As if they were in a race, individuals scurried to claim a chair. Scott did not. He wasn’t in the mood to speed flirt. Instead, he watched as Doc took a seat across from a man who looked as nervous as Doc had the night she’d tried out a pickup line on a stranger. He’d be in good hands with Doc. She’d treat him gently even if he had no game.
Scott made his way over and stood where Doc couldn’t see him, but he could hear the conversations. Frankie, who had a conflict and couldn’t attend the Gala, had given him strict instructions to keep an eye on Doc and make sure she didn’t fall for some idiot they couldn’t spin as a rake to the public. But to also make sure Doc didn’t blow the whole thing off and not try to land a rake using Scott’s techniques.
“Now that everyone is in place, here are the rules of speed flirting. This event is very similar to speed dating, but instead of getting to know each other, you will spend one minute engaged in flirty conversation before moving to the next person. Gentlemen, you will begin the conversation by offering up your best pickup line. And begin.”
Lux glanced at the man sitting across from her. Was he a rake? He had all the hallmarks of one—a man cut from the same cloth as Scott.
Last night, after their encounter, he’d left to twirl twins around a dance floor, while she had been left to untangle her feelings alone. The sting of that leg touch, so boldly offered and coolly declined, lingered. The chemistry she had imagined had been a one-sided affair.
Scott Landshire represented excitement, high energy, and sexual tension. That type of guy wasn’t attracted to safety nets. Why would he be? Safety nets caught people. He didn’t want to be caught.
And yet, there she’d been, caught up in a daydream where the infamous Rake of Manhattan might choose a forever love with her. In her musings, she had allowed herself to envision a life of glamorous events, passionate nights, and a love that would never dim. That she could give her heart to him and have faith he’d never hand it back battered and bruised. That it would be safe to have a man like him look at her like the sun rose and set with her. That she could trust he would never get tired of her.
But that wishful thinking had died a painful death when she’d seen the photo of him with the twins. Tonight, she would throw herself whole-heartedly into the spirit of the Flirtation Gala. Not because she suddenly believed Scott’s training would help her land a rake, but because it was time to reel in her heart before it spiraled out of control and became permanently enraptured with the myth of being the one who tamed the Rake of Manhattan. Where was he? If she had to participate, he should have to as well.