Page 41 of RAKEish

Her mind scrambled, floundering for any lifeline in the wake of her blunder. What on earth had possessed her to make such an audacious move? This wasn’t a date. It was a coaching session, nothing more. They weren’t bonding. He wasn’t here because he wanted to be. “My bad,” she choked out, the words like gravel.

He ran a hand over his face—a gesture of weariness or frustration, perhaps both. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at the Flirtation Gala.”

Grasping at the threads of her composure, she forced a lightness she didn’t feel into her voice. “Who knows? Maybe the next guy I dare touch will actually appreciate the gesture, instead of having better plans.” Her smile was forced, but it would have to do.


The Flirtation Gala took place at a pop-up bar in lower Manhattan. According to the social media buzz surrounding it, the money raised would go to feeding the homeless. Per Ms. Birdie’s request, Scott had arrived early. Doc would come later. He’d been told the Glam Team was busy transforming her into Cinderella for the evening.

He’d wanted to text her this morning and explain last night, but his nondisclosure agreement with Naked Runway prevented him from doing so. And Frankie’s damn text last night had been clear. Be seen out on the town with a woman—any woman—other than Doc.

This so that when Frankie leaked the photos of him and Doc having a cozy dinner, it would be juxtaposed against him out on the town two hours later with twin models. All to remind Naked Runway readers that Scott Landshire didn’t just play the part of a rake… He was a rake.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Ms. Birdie, who stood next to him, said. Tonight, she wore an elegant formal gown. “Is there something on your mind?”

There were a lot of somethings on his mind, not the least of them his response to Doc’s hand on his knee. It had been immediate and jolting and different. It had awakened something in him he couldn’t define. Not desire—he’d already admitted to himself he desired Doc. Whatever it had awakened had left him on edge all day. Not that he would burden Ms. Birdie with his emotional discombobulation. “I’m scouting the men in attendance and wondering which, if any of them, will grab the attention of Doc.”

“My money is on the gentleman in the green corduroy jacket over at the bar.”

Scott tensed as he glanced in that direction. The man in question leaned against the wooden frame, surveying the room with a bored expression. And while his attire was better suited for a gathering in the country, the rest of him had a more sophisticated air. “He’s one of your projects, isn’t he?” Scott asked.

Ms. Birdie laid a hand on his arm. “He is. My star pupil.”

“And you believe he’s the perfect man for Doc?”

“Unless you have someone else in mind—like perhaps yourself—I do.”

“Doc and I are oil and water.”

“Only because you are under a most unfortunate curse. If that were to be eliminated, my keen matchmaking senses tell me you would be perfect for Lux,” she mused.

“Curse or not, I’m wrong for her. She’s made that abundantly clear the past few days.”

“I see. That’s a shame, but I respect a woman’s right to follow her common sense instead of her heart.” She nodded as if convincing herself of what she’d just said. “Now I’m doubly glad to be hosting tonight’s event.”


“Not only will Lux have the chance to try out your methods—a requirement of your challenge—but it will also give her the opportunity to connect with some gentlemen who could quite possibly meet her common-sense criteria.”

“Like green corduroy?”

She nodded. “I believe he is primed to fall for her charms quicker than you can say rakish, and more importantly, if you’re truly not on her radar, I believe there’s a fine chance she will fall for him as well.”

The thought gave him heartburn. “What is it about him that you believe will capture her common-sense-ruled heart?”

“Let’s just say, he’s well read, a romantic, and, unlike you who had a very busy evening last night, is ready to settle down with just one woman.”

“Last night was orchestrated by Frankie.”

“Was it, now?” Ms. Birdie said, a faint frown marring her brow. “Perhaps that’s just as well.”

“Just as well?” He ground his back teeth, biting back a storm of words.

“I believe your stunt last night will have Lux all bristly, which will result in her going all in on her mission to find the right man. Once she learns Mr. Corduroy’s parents have recently celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniversary and have demonstrated to him what a happy marriage looks like, and that that is something he wants for himself, she’ll give him serious consideration as a future husband.”

“I take it you coached him to get those pieces of information out there?” Scott would like to think Doc would take one look at the man and turn the other direction, but his gut told him he was wrong. The man represented a cozy Sunday afternoon. Exactly the right type of man for her.
