“Sorry, we had a lot of catching up to do.” I gave Lennox a wink.
Alissa rolled her eyes, “Gross, it was bad enough that I had to hear it last night. Please, don’t remind me while I’m eating my second breakfast.”
“Your second breakfast?” I questioned.
“Don’t ask,” Lennox walked up to me, stealing my coffee.
I didn’t find it as annoying when she did it.
“I need to go to the shop today. I haven’t been in much lately.” I took my first sip of coffee.
“Okay. I would like to get out of the house anyway.” She took her coffee and headed back up the stairs.
I watched as she walked away.
“Seriously, you’re making me sick.”
Alissa’s voice drew my attention away from Lennox’s ass that was walking away from me. “What? I didn’t even say anything.”
“I know what you were thinking by that look in your eye.” Alissa set her bowl in the sink.
I laughed and shook my head. “Shut up and take your shower.”
I foundmyself wandering upstairs to see Lennox. I peeked into my bedroom where I expected to see her, only she wasn’t there. I walked down the hallway and found her in the guest room curling her hair for the day.
“What are you doing in here?” I asked, plopping down onto the bed.
“All my stuff was in here. This mean guy made me sleep in this strange room, all alone.” She stuck out her bottom lip.
I let out a small laugh. “That guy sounds like a fucking asshole.”
Lennox laughed. “What are you doing? Are you just going to sit there watching me?” Her eyes met mine in the mirror.
“What’s wrong with that? I can finally look at you without causing problems. My eyes are starved of your beauty.”
She laughed at my stupid line. “That’s a load of shit if I ever heard one.”
“No, it’s not. Just sounded dumb.” I joined in on her laughter.
I forgot how easy it always was with Lennox. Nicole was different, we couldn’t just sit back and make each other laugh by smart-ass comments. She took everything to heart, with Lennox it was just fun. She didn’t over think everything. We could sit back and enjoy just being together. It didn’t matter if we were just fucking around or if we were in a serious conversation, she could always lighten the mood.
After the girls had finally gotten ready, we made our way toward the shop. Lennox and Alissa argued over the radio station the whole way. Lennox liked country music where Alissa preferred rock. She really was the perfect girl for my brother. I didn’t know exactly what happened between them all those years ago, but she really needed to get her head out of her ass and see that they still loved each other.
We pulled into the parking lot an hour later and made our way inside.
“Hey, Joe. Anything I need to do while I’m here?”
“Well, since you have been skipping out on work, we’ve had to have Jake and Trent here at the same time. We’ve been slammed and Trent couldn’t get everything ready and hold down the rental counter.”
“That’s fine. I knew you could run this place without me.”
“Oh, I know. I expect a raise.”
“You got it.” I gave in without a fight. I really couldn’t have done it without her.
“There are a few things on your desk that need your attention,” Joey said as I walked into my office with Lennox and Alissa following behind.
I sat at my desk and began to look over the paperwork.