“I’m hungry,” Alissa stated.
“No surprise there,” I said sarcastically, not bothering to lift my eyes from the paper I was looking at.
Alissa ignored me. “Let’s go grab some lunch at the bar while Mason finishes up.”
“Okay,” Lennox agreed.
“Hey, I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but you really shouldn’t be going anywhere alone.”
“Dane will be there,” Lennox said with her hand on the door knob.
“Fine.” I gave up, I knew I wouldn’t win against those two anyway.
About thirty minutes later I had finished the paperwork and told Joey I was leaving for the day. I wanted to check on Trent before I left, so I headed down to the rental counter.
“Where the fuck have you been?” Trent asked when I walked into the building.
“Playing bodyguard. What’s been up around here?”
“Nothing new. Same shit. So, what the fuck is going on with Nicole?”
“Someone tried plowing through her car, or actually, Lennox’s car. Hit and run. But turns out, she was never pregnant.”
“I fucking knew it,” Trent said with a grin.
“I gotta go catch up with the girls. I’ll see you later. Let me know if you need anything around here.”
I made my way toward the bar and found Dane sitting at the table with Lennox and Alissa.
“What’s up, brother?” I asked, sitting next to my girl.
“Just trying to talk Alissa here into a date.”
“She ain’t gave in yet?”
“I’m working on her.” Dane smiled
“I heard about Nicole, fucking crazy ass bitch,” Dane said never taking his eyes off Alissa.
“It’s all in the past now.” I stole one of Lennox’s fries and popped it into my mouth.
“You two finally kiss and make up?” he asked.
“You could say that,” I answered feeding her a fry.
Dane noticed and tried the same thing with Alissa.
She took the fry out of his hand and threw it at his face.
“Why can’t you be a normal girl?” Dane asked, after wiping the grease off his face.
“Would you like me if I was?”
“Probably not,” he shrugged.
“I might have to try that then.”
We spent the afternoon hanging out at the bar, drinking, eating, and watching Dane make an ass of himself.