
By the timeTrent docked the boat, everyone was trashed. Alissa was sitting on Dane’s lap, flirting, touching, and whispering. Sarah was passed out in a lounge chair, Mason and Nicole had disappeared inside, and I was left alone with Trent.

“So, what’s going on with you and Mason?” Trent questioned.

“Wish I knew.” I handed him another beer. I needed someone to drink with.

“He wants you, you know.”

“I know, but if Nicole is pregnant…” I let my sentence break off not wanting to say the words.

“She’s not.” Trent took the beer and took a long drink.

“What? How would you know?” I laughed.

“I don’t know for sure, just a guess.” He shrugged.

“Why would you guess that?” I had to know Trent’s reason behind saying that.

“It just seems funny to me that she would be pregnant right after you get back into town.” His eyes locked on mine.

“Yeah well, life always has a way of fucking me over.” I couldn’t help the bitter edge in my voice.

“Don’t run off yet. Let this play out, I have a feeling you and Mason will end up together.”

“Awe, look at you being sweet.” I nudged him with my elbow.

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, just don’t tell anybody.”

“Our little secret,” I promised.

Alissaand I decided to walk home since we had been drinking. It was a good thing we only lived minutes away, because she could hardly stand, let alone, walk.

“Be careful.” Dane waved before leaving us in the parking lot.

“Thanks for the help,” I shouted as I wrapped Alissa’s arm around my neck to begin our walk home.

It took us twenty minutes to walk the two blocks to our apartment since I was basically walking for two of us.

“I’m hungry,” she complained when our building came into view.

“You can eat when we get inside, walk.”

We stumbled and swayed our way to the door.

“Okay, you have to stand on your own now. I have to get us into the building.” I removed her arm from around my neck to dig through my purse for the keys.

As soon as I found them floating around in the bottom of my purse, I heard a squeal and a thump. I dropped my head and turned toward her. She was lying on her back, giggling.

“Really? You couldn’t stand on your own for two seconds?”

“The stars are so pretty here.”

“They’re stars, they’re pretty everywhere.” I put the key in the lock and opened the door. Holding it open with my foot, I helped Alissa up.

I didn’t think we would ever make it up the two flights of stairs, but we finally reached our door.