I didn’t dare let her stand on her own. I fumbled around with the keys and unlocked the door. The moment the door was open to our dark apartment, Alissa rushed in.
“I’m hungry,” she yelled at a full sprint.
I heard a crash and ran in to turn on a light. I kept reaching, but the lamp that was there wasn’t anymore. I tripped over Alissa and made my way to the kitchen. I flipped on the light and found Alissa laying on the floor next to the broken lamp.
“I just bought that lamp,” I pulled Alissa up and sat her down at the kitchen table. “Don’t move, I will make you something to eat after I clean up that mess.”
I grabbed a trash bag and moved to the living room to pick up the pieces of the broken glass. When I heard pots and pans crash, I ran back into the kitchen. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I need food.” Alissa was throwing everything around the kitchen in an attempt to make something to eat.
“Fine. What do you want?” I asked, dropping the bag of broken glass to the floor.
Her blue eyes locked on mine and she reminded me of a mischievous child. “Eggs.”
“Okay, move.” I led her back to her chair while trying to keep the laughter from bubbling up.
I went to work cooking her eggs. By the time I was done, she was passed out on the table.
I shook her arm. “Alissa?”
She groaned but didn’t move.
I sat the plate down on the table, turned out the light and left her to sleep. Then, quickly decided I had better put more food options out for her in case she woke up. I knew she would end up burning the building down, trying to cook. I made my way back into the kitchen and dug through the cabinets.
I sat out a box of Pop Tarts, a bag of chips, and a bottle of water for her. I turned the light out and made my way to my room where I fell into bed, not bothering to change.
I thought about Sarah and how good it was to get to catch up with her. She was still the same fun loving, talkative, quirky girl she always had been. Then my thoughts drifted off to Mason and Nicole.
I hated that I hated Nicole. I was jealous of her. She had everything I wanted. She had him and his baby growing inside her. I drifted off to sleep before I could upset myself anymore.
I wokethe next morning and went to check on Alissa. She was dead asleep with her face in her plate of scrambled eggs. The box of Pop Tarts had been opened and there were Cheetos everywhere.
I shook her arm. “Alissa?”
“What?” she asked, sitting up with eggs stuck to the side of her face. “What the fuck happened last night?” She brushed the eggs from her face.
“I was about to ask you the same thing. Why are there Cheetos everywhere?”
Alissa began looking around the kitchen. “So, that wasn’t a dream?”
“What wasn’t a dream?”
“I was dancing in a shower of Cheetos. I thought it was a dream.”
Upon closer inspection, I noticed her blonde hair was covered in orange Cheetos dust.
“You’re never drinking again.” I grabbed a broom to sweep up Alissa’s Cheetos shower.
“I need a shower,” she groaned and stood. With every step she took, I heard the crunch of more Cheetos.
I shook my head and laughed, but continued to clean up the mess.
I was done cleaning up by the time Alissa got out of the shower.
“Did something happen last night with Dane?” she asked, throwing herself down on the couch.
“You didn’t sleep with him if that’s what you mean.” I couldn’t hold back my smile.