Page 53 of F*cking Shattered

He doesn’t look at me. He keeps his eyes straight ahead. “They had to drain it.” His hands are covering his groin.

I shift into drive. “Drain it? Like, with a needle?”

He doesn’t move his head, but he looks at me from the corner of his eye, confirming my guess.

I hold my breath to keep my laughter inside but it’s threatening to come out. I put the car back into park, turn my head toward the window, and cover my face with my hand. I’m trying so hard to keep it in, but a snort comes out, followed by a screeching sound.

He doesn’t say anything or move. He just waits for it to pass.

* * *

When we get back to the apartment, he doesn’t waste any time. He pulls off his backward clothes and falls into bed. I lean against the doorframe, watching him. He looks so innocent in his sleep. I pull off my clothes and join him. He wraps his arm around me in his sleep, and pulls me closer. His heat settles over me thicker than a blanket, and it soothes me into a deep dreamless sleep.

* * *

I wake the next morning and River is still sound asleep. He must have had a traumatic day yesterday.

I get up without waking him and slip into the shower.

When I step out, I set to work on making breakfast for him. I feel bad for laughing at him so much yesterday, but I couldn’t control it. I realize now how dangerous the situation could have been. I shake my head when I think about how this whole thing started: a few guys seeing me naked at the campsite. Hell a fish bowl drink and a day later, their show could have been a lot better.

My face heats up with those thoughts. That night, the one with the strip show, it’s getting filed into my ‘do not remember’ closet in my brain. It’s like the rules of Vegas. What happened that night, stays with that night.

I push the embarrassing thoughts from my head and scramble some eggs. I’m dancing and singing along with Tighten Up by The Black Keys when I hear a quiet tapping sound. I crane my neck to see River still passed out in bed. I move to the front door and open it to find plates with homemade goodies on the doorstep. There is even a fruit basket and flowers.

I laugh to myself but pick up the treats. I’m not sure if this is a sweet gesture or not, considering we didn’t get anything until we got naked.

I unload the arm full of treats onto the counter just as River walks into the room. “What’s all this stuff?” He uses his head to motion toward the gifts.

“Things our admirers left out on our front step. Are you hungry for some homemade cookies this time?” I tease him.

He picks up everything that’s not factory sealed and throws it in the trash. “What the hell? Since when is it okay to drug people?” He runs his hand through his blond hair, leaving it spiking in all directions.

I shrug. “If it makes you feel better, I don’t think that lady knew what the pills did. She just knew all the old men around here liked them.”

“It doesn’t make me feel better. It makes me feel dirty. It’s like she was hoping for that reaction and for my dick to lead me to her.”

I scoff. “Don’t be dramatic. Her hip couldn’t handle you.” I reach out and pinch his nipple.

He jumps and backs away. “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” I ask with a smile as I step closer, reaching for anything I can grab.

“I don’t want to be touched while we’re talking about those dirty ladies.” He visibly shivers.

I let out a loud laugh. “How’s the big man in your pants feeling today, anyway?” I move back to the stove and scoop some eggs onto two plates for us.

“A little sore. Like he ran a marathon all night.” He cups his hand over his crotch.

I nod towards the couch. “Come on. Let’s take it easy before we head out for the day.”

Chapter Thirteen

After we eat breakfast, I pull on my ‘barely there’ bikini with some shorts and a tank top and we head to the beach, the beach that Katie should be lounging on, sipping cocktails right now. On the drive there, I grasp the charm on my necklace, the only piece of her that I have left.

Even though River had such a tough day yesterday, he's doing everything he can to be here for me like he knows how hard this is going to be. He fills his flask full and hands it over to me to slip into the beach bag.

As we walk closer to the sand, his hand finds mine. He squeezes it slightly, trying to offer me support and comfort.