* * *

When we wake in the morning, I run to grab us both some breakfast while Lex gets ready for the day, then I wait around for her to get dressed before heading to her store.

I drop her off and head to the lumber yard to pick up the wood to start on the framework for the new wall.

The run only takes me about an hour and when I pull back into the parking lot of Lex’s store, there is another car parked in my space.

I don’t think anything of it - there are several stores on the strip that Lex’s store is on. Figuring the car will leave soon, I park in the open spot directly behind it so I can take it once they leave, and make it easier to bring the materials inside.

“Someone stole my spot,” I say as I walk in, admiring the spotless Lexus currently residing in my stall.

As I approach the counter, I see a guy standing next to Lex.

“Oh, I can move it. I wasn’t thinking when I parked. I’ll be right back.”

I look him up and down as he passes by me. He's a little shorter than I am, but just as big around as me. Designer clothes cover his muscular frame, and as he steps past me he casually pushes his sleeves up to reveal an expensive-looking watch. Now I understand why he will be accepted into their world: he has money.

I go to stand by Lex and pull her into my chest. “I'm guessing that is Jeff.”

“Yeah, is everything still okay?”

I lean in and press my lips to hers. “I'll let you know later.”

Hopefully everything will still be okay later. But first, I want to watch him, see how he acts around her. I want to see if I can pick up on any vibes that he may be looking for more from her.

Jeff moves his car and walks back in. I release Lex and reach out to shake his hand. “Hey, I'm Striker. You must be Jeff.”

He flashes his perfectly white teeth and nods while holding out his hand. “I am. I'm glad to finally meet you. Alex has told me so much about you, I feel like I practically know you already.” His grip is strong and firm but his hands are soft, almost as soft as Lex’s. This pretty-boy probably hasn’t worked a day in his life.

She talks about me? To him? She wouldn't do that if she was digging the guy, would she?

I let out a small chuckle. “Really?” My eyes flash to hers. I'm wondering what it is that she's been telling this guy.

Lex speaks up, “Nothing bad, Striker. I've told him some of our trouble-making stories from growing up in a small town, that's all.”

So you haven't told him this secret that you're keeping from me? I want to ask so badly, but refrain.

I cross my arms over my chest. “So Jeff, want to give me a hand and bring this wood in?”

He rubs his smooth hands together. “Sure.” I can tell he's only doing it because I asked.

I step up into the back of my truck and start sliding boards to him. He takes a single two-by-four and carries it pridefully into the store, thinking he’s doing me a huge favor. I laugh to myself and shake my head, then grab a stack of eight boards and follow him in.

With a small grunt and a content smile, he places his board on the floor in front of Lex, like a penguin bringing a rock to please his mate. As he stands up and sees the load I carried in behind him, his contentedness vanishes and is replaced by a look of shock and embarrassment.

I stand a little taller. “It's okay, they can be heavy and awkward to carry if you ain't used to it,” I say politely, but it's meant as a jab and he knows it.

He doesn't want to make a scene in front of the girls, so he just nods his head and smiles before dusting his soft hands across his two-hundred-dollar jeans.

We make our way back to the truck and Jeff climbs up like I had before, sliding a stack of four boards toward me. I motion for more.

He picks up four more and again, I motion for more. That last load about killed me, but I'm taking every opportunity to show this guy up. I may not have his looks, money, or charm, but there is one thing I do have on him. I have pride. He needs to know where he stands with me. To the outside world, he may be better than me, but in my world, the one with Lex by my side, he stands below me.

After all the boards are carried inside, Jeff leans against the counter panting for breath. He wipes the sweat from his forehead and takes a long drink of water. I glance at him and shake my head. The girls don't see this exchange, but he eyes me. He knows exactly what I'm thinking about his pansy ass.

He caps his water and sets it down on the counter, then turns to talk to me. His body is purposely turned toward Lex so that she’s sure to hear. "I can run home to change and come back to help with the wall if you want."

Lex speaks up just as I’m about to politely brush off his offer.