It was a good thing I kept spare hair pins in my bag.

The kids were staying with their grandparents because the party was exclusively for adults. I briefly imagined my younger siblings running around, eating all the expensive canapés, spitting them out and yelling that caviar was gross, then trying to steal people’s drinks. It put a grin on my face as I collected some empty champagne flutes, setting them on a tray before I turned to bring them to the kitchen.

I couldn’t help being distracted by a tall woman who must’ve been a model or maybe an actress. She wore a long red gown fitted perfectly to her body. She was stunning. I was busy covertly admiring her and wondering what I might look like wearing such a gown when a familiar form caught my eye, and I froze.

Was that … Shay?

He stood in the corner of the high-ceilinged room wearing all black, and I was struck by how handsome he looked. I remembered Mrs Reynolds mentioning she’d hired security for the event because there were some high-profile guests. Shay must’ve been freelancing for extra cash. Tingles skittered down my spine seeing him in work mode, his keen gaze alert and watchful. I found it very attractive. He hadn’t seen me yet, and I didn’t want to distract him from his job, so I quickly hurried past the giant twinkling Christmas tree.

I was almost out of the room when a shrill voice called my name. “Maggie! There’s been a spill out on the terrace. I need you to clean it up right away.”

Shay heard my name being called and his eyes darted to me. He looked surprised to see me, just as I had been to see him. I turned to Mrs Reynolds. “Of course. I’ll take care of that now.”

Without looking back at Shay, I hurried to grab a mop and other cleaning supplies before heading out to the terrace. The expansive back garden was lit up and decorated, an extension of the party inside, where people could drink and smoke or vape freely. Someone had spilled red wine on the paving stones, which normally wouldn’t require urgent cleaning because the rain was sure to wash it away eventually. But as she’d said, Mrs Reynolds wanted everything to be perfect, and that meant no red wine stains on the paving.

Some of the party guests politely moved out of the way so I could clean, and I was almost done when a pair of black boots entered my field of vision. I looked up, mustering a smile for Shay.

“I didn’t know you freelanced,” I said as I got down on my knees to quickly dry up the section I’d mopped with some thick kitchen towels. When I was done, I shoved them into a plastic bag and tied it up.

Shay shrugged and nodded to the other end of the garden where Rhys and two other similarly dressed men were watching the party guests. “Ah, so Rhys is running security for the party?” I guessed and Shay nodded before offering me his hand to help me up. I grimaced. “My hands are dirty. You shouldn’t—” Before I could finish the sentence, he took my hand in his large, warm palm and helped me to my feet.

“Um, thanks,” I said, somewhat breathy as I glanced up at him. His grey-green eyes were intent on mine and tingles shot through me. Why did his attention always make me feel that way?

Needing a distraction, I motioned inside. “This is one of the houses I clean. The owner asked me to do some overtime during the party.” I paused, shooting Shay a weary look as I lowered my voice. “She’s the one I told you about. The, uh, highly strung one.”

He didn’t look pleased at that and glanced around, almost like he wanted to find Mrs Reynolds and glower at her for making me cry that day. I had to will my pulse to quit racing at the idea. Shay returned his attention to me and started to pull out his phone, possibly to type a message, but I quickly made my excuses. If Mrs Reynolds caught me dawdling, there’d be hell to pay.

“I better be getting back,” I said and hurried away with the mop and bucket.

I stowed it in the utility room, then went to wash my hands. After that, I returned to the party and resumed collecting glasses and small plates. I must’ve been off my game, probably from Shay being here unexpectedly, because I mistakenly bumped into one of the party guests, an older man wearing a navy suit. The glass of champagne he held sloshed onto his white shirt, and I paled at the sight.

Of course, Mrs Reynolds was nearby to witness the entire thing.

The man looked furious, and I swallowed thickly as my boss hurried over.