“Frank, I’m so sorry. Let me bring you to get cleaned up.” She took his arm, shooting me a violent glare as she led him away from the party. Anxiety threatened to drown me, and I was surprised she hadn’t given me an earful, but of course, she was probably saving that for later when she could berate me in private.

Through the window, I saw Shay. He was still outside, but he’d obviously seen the whole thing, too. He seemed concerned. A second later, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, finding a text from him. I mouthed the words as I concentrated on reading them.

Are you okay? Do you need me?

He was still watching me from his spot outside. I shook my head at him, returning my phone to my pocket and started in the direction of the kitchen. Before I got there, I was roughly pulled aside by Mrs Reynolds. Her fingers dug into my arm as she dragged me to the end of the hallway, then finally let go.

“Do you have any idea who you just spilled champagne all over?” she seethed. “Frank Gleeson is a highly acclaimed film director. He’s won two BAFTAS.”

“I don’t care who he is. Don’t grab me like that again,” I retorted, shocking even myself when I said it. I didn’t want to be fired, but I also wouldn’t tolerate her being physically aggressive with me, no matter how grave my mistake. I wasn’t about to stand there simpering and begging to keep my job while she intentionally dug her nails into my arm.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m sorry for bumping into him, but it was an honest mistake. And I might only be your cleaning lady, but that doesn’t give you permission to assault me.”

I swear I saw a blood vessel about to burst in her normally smooth forehead. “Assault? That wasn’t … Maggie, listen, I’m going to—”

Before she could finish, a woman came hurrying down the hallway. “Sariah! Clark has just arrived outside. Everyone’s taking their places. Come quick.”

Mrs Reynolds narrowed her eyes on me. “We’ll talk later,” she said and stomped away. I blew out a breath, my nerves frayed. I was just so sick of trying to keep her happy all the time. I’d held my own during the encounter, stood up for myself, but now my emotions rushed forth, my hands shaking and tears threatening to spill. I’d always hated confrontation, and I hated people grabbing me even more.

It reminded me of how Mam would do it. She’d throw her weight around when she was drunk or angry about something and in the mood to take it out on me.

There were noises of excitement when I finally I got my emotions under control, wiping at my eyes as I returned to the party. Someone turned off all the lights so they could surprise Clark when he stepped in the door. Darkness surrounded me, and my eyes still hadn’t adjusted when someone’s warmth met my back. I knew it was Shay when his familiar fingers slid through mine.

I turned, finding his eyes shining down at me in the dark. He tugged on my hand, and I let him lead me away from the party. We reached one of the downstairs bathrooms, and Shay pushed the door open before tugging me inside. He flicked on the light, then closed the door behind him and turned over the lock. His eyes were a little wild as he took me in, full of questions and concern. It soothed some of my frayed nerves to have him there, the person who always made me feel so protected. Whatever Mrs Reynolds made me feel, Shay was the antidote.

I was vaguely aware of the party guests shouting, “Surprise!” when Shay pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me tight, somehow instilling me with the peace and calm I craved. The fact we’d been physically distant the last two weeks made his hug affect me even more. I felt soothingly surrounded, and I didn’t want to leave the loving protection of his hug. His hand petted gently at my back, and I closed my eyes, allowing myself the indulgence of savouring the solace of his strong arms and comforting embrace.



My eyes remained closed as I inhaled Shay’s now familiar scent. It caused some kind of chemical reaction in my brain because my body was instilled with a calm I hadn’t felt two minutes ago. His hug set my body and heart on fire, enveloping me in a comforting warmth but also a sensual heat. I could feel his pulse thundering beneath my ear as my arms threaded around his neck. This felt right. It felt like … home.

He felt like home, I realised and startled.

His arms tightened around me, and I was swept up in an overwhelming wave of desire. I couldn’t resist pressing my lips to the corner of his jaw. A shudder went through him, and a second later, his mouth was on mine, his tall frame crowding me until my back met the wall.