“Okay, maybe I can wait a little while longer,” she allowed as we reached Shay. His astute gaze wandered over each of us, trying to figure out how the visit had gone. I stepped up to him and immediately threw my arms around his neck. My body sank into his, his comforting arms wrapping around my waist. When he drew away, he studied me, gauging my emotions.

“I’m okay,” I told him quietly. “Thank you for waiting. I’ll tell you all about the visit later.”

Shay nodded, and I turned to the kids. “Well, is anyone hungry? How about a Happy Meal for lunch?”

Their eyes immediately lit up and I knew it was the right suggestion. Eamonn loved his Happy Meals. We piled into the car, and Shay drove us the short distance to the nearest McDonalds. We were lucky to find a table big enough for all six of us in the back because it was Christmas Eve, and the place was packed with families and hyperactive kids.

When we were finished eating, I handed out the gifts I’d stowed in the car. A hair styler for Vivi, a football kit for Robbie, a new dress for Shelly and roller blades for Eamonn. They were all thrilled with their presents, and Shay seemed amused by their excitement. Lots of kids got endless presents on Christmas day, but those kids typically only got one or two, so they were always very happy, no matter what they received.

I was so proud of them, especially for how well they’d dealt with Mam. No one had cried or thrown a tantrum. They’d somehow figured out on their own she wasn’t ever going to be their mother in the traditional sense. It shouldn’t have surprised me. The kids had been through a lot of upheaval in their short lives. They were mature far beyond their years.

Before long, it was time to drop them home. Shay waited in the car while I went into the house and had a quick chat with Delia and Ken. Both seemed relieved when I told them I didn’t think the kids would be asking to visit their mother again any time soon.

When I returned to the car, it felt so much quieter without the kids’ chatter. Shay silently pulled back out onto the road, and I stared through the window at all the houses lit up with Christmas lights.

Somewhere along the way, I closed my eyes, only realising I’d drifted to sleep when Shay nudged me awake. I blinked, noticing the car was stationary, and we were parked outside my flat. Shay’s expression was tender as he took me in, and I blushed, embarrassed for having fallen asleep.

“What a day,” I said with a yawn as I released my seatbelt. “Thanks again for driving us, and, well, just for being there. I really appreciated it.”

Shay picked up his phone to type. “The kids seemed a little subdued after the visit. What exactly happened with your mother?”

I blew out a breath. “She was fine at first, but then Vivi let slip about my new job and finding out I had a brother. Mam started digging for info, eventually hinting at me giving her money. I told her no, and the mask slipped. She got aggressive with me, called me an ugly name I won’t repeat. The kids were upset. I’m not sure if they’ll want to go see her again after that. It’s sad because she could have a relationship with them if she just put a little effort in.”

“I’m sorry,” Shay typed. “I wish it had gone better.”

“Yeah, me, too,” I said, meeting his gaze. His dark green eyes were gentle, caring, and I didn’t want to be without him tonight. That was probably why I blurted, “Come in for a little while. I’ll make tea.”

Shay nodded, climbing from the car and coming around to my side to open my door for me. It was strange to be around someone who treated me so chivalrously. I’d spent my whole life opening my own doors. It was going to take some getting used to having Shay around.

When we were inside, I turned on a lamp, then went to switch on the string of fairy lights I’d hung a few days ago. I also put up a small Christmas tree in the corner, feeling the need to make the place a little bit festive. The lights and the tree cast an unexpectedly romantic glow over the room.

“Make yourself comfortable,” I said to Shay, feeling a little self-conscious when I looked his way. His eyes were blazing, his heated expression causing my pulse to race. I wanted him so much. Not being with him all week had been torture. We’d kissed today, but I still felt the need to bridge the gap, let him know all was forgiven, and he could touch me, come as close as he wanted, whenever he wanted. I sensed his hesitancy, so I stepped forward and took his hand in mine. Lifting it, I gently kissed his knuckles.