“You don’t have to keep your distance,” I whispered, my eyes meeting his as I studied his reaction. His throat moved, just the barest flicker. Then his gaze went to my bed before returning to me.

The faintest smile shaped my lips. “Shay Riordan, did you just tell me with your eyes to get into bed?”

He smiled back, the expression making his already handsome features even more so. Then, he nodded, and I stepped away, my heart pounding and his eyes never leaving me as I walked to the bed. Grabbing the hem of my jumper, I pulled it off until I wore only my bra. I turned back to Shay, certain my face showed every ounce of the longing and love and tenderness I felt for him.

I opened my mouth to ask what he was still doing all the way over on the other side of the room, but milliseconds later, he was in front of me. Shay captured my face in his hands, somehow communicating so much through a single look. The flat was quiet and low-lit. We were so close I could almost hear his heart beating in tandem with mine.

He tilted my head back, and a moment later, he kissed me like he wanted to savour me. We fell onto the bed, lips and tongues and bodies colliding. I moaned when his erection prodded between my thighs, my hands reaching for the hem of his top to pull it off. He wore a jumper with a T-shirt underneath, and I saw amusement dance across his features as I struggled with them. In one swift move, he yanked them over his head and threw them to the floor. My eyes feasted on his toned muscles and tapered torso.

Breathing heavily, I reached for his fly, eagerly undoing it and shoving his jeans down. Shay made short work of my bra, his breaths eager as he deftly unclipped it. Seconds later, his mouth was on my breasts, devouring them as his tongue flicked tantalisingly at my nipple.

“I need you inside me,” I begged. “Now.”

His mouth leaving my breasts, Shay eased my trousers and underwear down my legs while every part of me hummed with arousal. I was wet for him, ready. Shay crawled back up my body, his hand moulding my breast as he kissed me deeply. I sighed into the kiss as he settled between my legs. His thick head prodded at my entrance, and his expression clouded when in unison we both realised he wasn’t wearing protection.

“It’s okay,” I breathed. “I’m on the pill. And I trust you.”

His eyes flickered uncertainly, his head tilting in question. You sure?

“Please, I want to feel you.”

His eyes were molten as his mouth returned to mine, muffling my moans as he slid home. I was deliciously full, the sensation of him inside me with nothing between us had my heart racing fast. I adored him, my hands sifting through his hair as his hips moved slowly in and out, making love to me. When he drew back, our eyes connected, and I knew we were thinking the same thing.

I was his, irrevocably.

And he was mine.



It was Christmas morning, and I was lying in bed staring at a giant picture of myself, done in a mixture of paint and charcoal, that hung on my wall. The man I loved had created it, and if I ever had any doubt he loved me in return, all I had to do was look at the image, and I knew for certain.

It was a thrilling, powerful feeling to know someone had slaved over a painting, trying to capture my likeness, communicate how I made him feel in every line and brushstroke.

Church bells rang in the distance, and I reluctantly pulled my body away from Shay’s warm, naked skin to go and see what there was for breakfast. I thought he was still asleep, but then strong arms pulled me back.

The next thing I knew, I was beneath him, and he was sliding into me in a wave of sensuous pleasure. I didn’t think he could possibly have anything left in him after last night, but he was insatiable. Maybe I was, too.

If it wasn’t Christmas day and we weren’t due to have dinner with his whole family at his brother’s house, then I’d stay in bed with Shay until New Year’s. So long as we had food and water, we’d be good, right?

Much later, when I finally managed to convince Shay to let me leave the bed, I made toast with butter and strawberry jam for breakfast. Then I took a shower.

I was alone for a minute or two before Shay squeezed in behind me, his tall, broad frame at my back. I really needed to think seriously about getting a larger flat because my tiny shower was barely big enough for the two of us. And I had a feeling Shay was going to want to be in there with me often.