“Have I told you how cute you are today? I love this outfit,” he says in my ear.

He palms my ass over my black, wide-legged slacks. I have on a pair of high-tops and a bra-style top. My hair is pulled back in a low bun.

“You may have mentioned it a time or two.”

I inhale him. He smells of the outdoors and his cologne. I could bask in his scent all day.

“Come on. I want to show you something about the house,” he says.

He takes my hand and tugs me into the house. His excitement is palpable, it’s coursing through him into me. I follow him through the house. He pulls out his phone, and suddenly the front yard is lit up. It’s already getting dark out, so the lights are shining brightly.

“I dreamed of us having dates here and added the lights for nights just like this. Later, we can change the setting to dance under the stars,” he says as he looks down into my eyes.

My lips begin to tremble as I fight back the tears. Everything about this house says he thought of me as he designed then built it. I can’t even begin to count all the ways he’s shown that he has always loved me.

“I love you so much,” I say as I palm the side of his face.

He turns to kiss my palm, then pulls me into a searing kiss. I’m left breathless as he pulls away. The date has just started, and I’m already so happy I could burst.

“I love you more, darlin’. Come on, let me feed you.”


The smile on her face is everything I was hoping for and more. We’ve been so busy, I wanted to do something just for us. I’ve watched her work tirelessly to fix her family’s ranch and still keep up with her music obligations.

In all of that, she still finds time for Jess and me. I love watching the bond between her and my daughter grow. Scoot and Bam ask to speak to her each time we have our calls.

“Trev,” she gasps as I lead her out the front door.

Jess and Maggie helped me to set this up. Snacks cooked for us, and Jess brought it over to the house. There’s a candlelit table set for two on the wide porch. Something I envisioned when I designed it.

The lighting system I added lights the porch up like I’ve hung twinkle lights. Rose petals surround the table, and our meals are covered by domes.

I wrap my arms around her from behind and kiss the top of her head. I’ve dreamed of doing this for so long, it feels surreal. This home truly has exceeded all my expectations.

“This has Snacks written all over it,” she says as I lift the lid from her food.

“She wanted to do this for you. Sit, that belly keeps talking to me. I need to feed my woman,” I say.

She takes the seat I pull for her. Once she’s seated, I pull out my phone again and start some music. We both begin to dig into our smothered fried steaks and mashes potatoes with a side of smoked greens.

“Oh. My. God. I want to marry your daughter. I’ll pay any dowry you want. Name your price,” Lynn groans. “You’re gonna need the money because the label is going to sue you when Matt has to roll my big behind into their office.”

I laugh and chew my food before I speak. “I think she and Jess are making plans to hit the road with you anyway,” I tease.

She gets this solemn look on her face. I place my fork down and take her in. “What just happened?” I ask.

“I think Jess is going to lose her job because of me. Matt threatened to sue them, but they’ve been giving her a hard time since the incident in the lobby. I think they’re trying to force her to quit.

“I hate that for her. I’ve been wanting to tell her to tell them to shove it and she can come work for me, but I don’t want to overstep,” she says.

She keeps burying herself deeper and deeper into my heart. I love that she’s so protective of Jess and worried about her well-being. The fact that she would think to hire my baby means so much to me.

“I think she would love that. Jess loves to work for her own money. She doesn’t need to.

“I’m okay with her telling them to go to hell. She did nothing wrong. Why should she be punished or punish herself by staying there?

“You two have a bond. Go on and talk to her. Jess is no quitter, so I’m not too worried about her letting this one go,” I say.

“I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” I say, fighting the emotions that try to fill my voice.