“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.”

“It’s been about six years now. It was hard in the beginning, but we’re a happy blended family now. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“You and Trevor will have a blended family of your own,” she says as if it’s a fact.

“I hope so. I’m worried that time might be ticking for me.”

“My son told me to tell you all will happen as it should. You will have your heart’s desire. You and Trevor have a lot to look forward to.”

I look at her questioningly. Pam bursts into laughter beside me. I turn to her and frown.

“Girl, if you could see your face. Sammy is clairvoyant. That little boy be all up in everyone’s business.”

“Oh,” I say as I let that sink in.

“Who let Nanna and Cassidy Black get together?” Rita says as she freezes in her tracks.

I turn to find Nanna with a little redhead. The two look like the best of friends. I shake my head as Nanna folds her arms over her chest as she seems to be scolding one of the little ones.

The redhead kicks off her flipflop and catches it like some grandma ninja. The little kids take off running as she and Nanna laugh.

“Oh, that’s trouble but I like it,” Tasha snickers.


Just Us


“You ready to head home?” Trev asks as we climb into his truck.

“Yeah, this has been a long day. I’m ready for a bath and a glass of wine.”

They finally let Daddy out of rehab this week. I have spent the day trying to keep him from getting out of bed. He fussed until I allowed him to at least ride the ATV around the property with Trevor.

The sparkle in Daddy’s eyes as he saw all the changes we’ve implemented already overwhelmed my emotions. The ranch doesn’t owe anyone a dime, and Tasha and LaSalle helped me find a new oil contractor. Between the new horse trainers for racing and the new clients for our services, we’ll be back in the black in less than six months.

“Think you’re up for a little date?”

I turn to him and give him a smile. He’s peeking at me out of the corner of his eye as he drives. I reach to place a hand on his thigh.

“Are you asking me out on a date, Mr. Monroe?”

“That I am, ma’am. I know we can’t go out to town or anything like that, but I have something else planned if you’re up to it.”

“I’m always up to anything that involves you. Bring it on, stud.”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Maybe I should just put you to bed and do this another night.”

“You done promised me a date, sir. I’m looking forward to it now. Give me what you promised, Trev. I still have those bears and that honey.”

He roars with laughter. “Did I every show you a better use for that honey?”

“Nope. More broken promises,” I sing and give him a sad face.

“I aim to fix that tonight.”

“Looking forward to it,” I purr.

For the last week I’ve been getting up to run with Trevor. We stop by the stables so I can help out with grooming the horses. I forgot how much I loved to do that.

Between writing, helping to get Daddy home, and sorting out the ranch, I’m exhausted, but I feel accomplished. However, I’m wide awake now and excited for what’s to come. Trev and I have fallen into a routine.

He’s as organized as Elise when it comes to his work and home life. I can see him running his company here and the one in New York. When he tells me how many sites he visited in a day, I’m in awe. I can tell the days when he jumps in to help.

I think the accident has left him with some aches and pains. However, the result of those aches and pains has become a highlight of my evenings. We soak together in the tub and talk about our days just like we said we would.

If this date holds any of that promise, I can’t wait. Memories of our romantic time in Paris fill my head and my heart begins to race with my excitement. My stomach growls, causing me to snicker.

“I hope this date has food. If not, my tummy might eat you.”

“I’ve got you covered, darlin’,” he drawls.

I wonder if he had Roman make us something for our date. Matthew has brought my chef in, so I don’t have to worry about cooking. Although, I’ve been side eyeing Roman. He could learn a thing or two from Snacks.

When we pull into the garage, I note all the cars are gone. Elise hasn’t returned, but Wilson, Matthew, and Maggie are still with us. I wonder where everyone has gone.

Trev parks and hops out to come around for my door. I take his hand as he helps me out. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me as he pulls me in close.