Knowing she had a man raped and tried to do the same to a woman just triggers me. The beast that lives inside me is crawling to get out and have at her. I’m barely holding onto my restraint.
“Please, don’t do this. I’ll leave. None of you will see me again,” she whimpers.
“You’re still trying to talk through that jaw? Maybe I should break it again. Shut up before your tongue is the first thing I cut out,” I snarl.
“Oh good. I’m not too late,” Tasha purrs as she enters the room.
“Is he here?”
She points up at the viewing room. This abandoned hospital is perfect for this. I’ve never had an audience for my work.
I’m used to working alone if not with my husband. I look up and wave as if this is an ordinary social event. The men all nod. I can make out my husband and I know LaSalle. The third man must be Trevor.
“I may have gotten carried away while I waited,” I say to Tasha.
“Oh really?”
I walk over to this worthless woman and squeeze her face in my hand. She releases a satisfying cry as I dig my fingers in and move her broken bones.
“Oh, I see.” Tasha laughs.
“Her confession made me snap. She’s disgusting. Sexual assault is a thing for her. Male or female. You know how I feel about that,” I seethe, then shove her face back.
“Well, I know you plan to take your time. He wants to see her take her last breath. I want him back with his children where he belongs. We all have places to be.
“Do your worst. It will be my bullet that ends her though. She tried to touch what’s mine and she hurt a friend. Show no mercy,” Tasha says and walks off.
I close my eyes and allow Morte Nera to take over me. I can taste her death in the air. Elation fills me from knowing I’m about to serve her with the punishment she deserves.
“I’m a mama. I have four beautiful babies. I could never imagine one of them hating me so much they would call on the likes of me to end my life.
“When I’m done peeling your flesh from your body, you will wish you treated your children better. Once I scalp you, you will know the pain you’ve caused so many. But it will be as I hold a torch to your fleshless body that you will wish for death. Let’s begin.”
I cover my mouth and turn away. When Uri warned this would get messy, I had no idea this is what he meant. Although I can’t say Donna doesn’t deserve this.
I wouldn’t stop Val if I thought I could. I seem to be the only one sickened by the sight. First, Val pulled her teeth from her head. That wasn’t so bad.
It actually went a long way to settle my rage. I didn’t even mind when she pulled her fingernails and toenails from her body one by one. She deserved that too.
However, this … this is more than I can witness. I think I will have nightmares after this. I would hate to piss Val off. Now I know she has never joked when she offered to take care of Donna for me.
“Have you had enough?” LaSalle asks.
“Yes, she will never survive that. I know how this will end. She will never hurt my kids again. Thank you,” I say, holding back from gagging.
Uri and LaSalle laugh. Tasha is sitting still watching as she snickers at me. These people are ruthless. I’m glad they consider me family.
LaSalle slaps me on the back. “You’re family now. This is how far we go for family.”
“Never hesitant to come to us if you have a problem,” Uri adds.
“Can I ask what was in the file to make you decide this would be her fate?”
“You didn’t open it?” Uri says with his brows knit.
“She was behind the contracts and the other problems the ranch was having, but what made my decision isn’t something I feel you should learn from me,” LaSalle replies.
He sighs. “Val got her to confess to everything. We’ll give you the tape. If you need us, you know how to find us. Even if it’s just to talk.”
“Remember, you talk to one of us or no one at all,” Tasha warns without looking at me.
I nod as if her eyes are on me. Even though she’s not facing me, I get the feeling she’s watching my every move.
“Good, see you in New York,” she says as if to dismiss me.
Uri comes to my side and leads me out. I don’t even look back for one last glance. I won’t speak of this again.
That woman has been dead to me for a long time. What she did to Scoot and Snacks was just the final straw. I can only imagine what she’s done to reach the fate she has.