“Here, this is a copy of the confession. Burn it once you’re done listening. Don’t hold onto it for long. Destroying it is time sensitive. Hang in there, mate. I’ll see you in New York.”
“Thanks,” I say and take the recorder he’s handing me.
I climb into my truck, then sit and stare straight ahead for I don’t know how long. When I start the engine, I look at the recorder and wonder if I should just destroy it and move forward with my life.
Val’s words from earlier come back to me. I’m a mama. I have four beautiful babies. I could never imagine one of them hating me so much they would call on the likes of me to end my life.
Jess, Val was talking about Jess. What could Donna have done to make Jess hate her that much? I’ve been holding off from reading that file because I’ve told myself the good man I’ve been striving to be all my life would go out the window with the truth.
I think that concept has come and gone. Donna is as good as dead. Whatever I find out, I’m not going to jail for what it causes me to do.
I hit play on the recorder and toss it in the cupholder before I pull off.
Will Always Be
I climb from my truck broken and completely devastated. I never thought it could get any worse. Jessica isn’t mine.
It was all a lie. Nineteen got damn years. Cliff … of all the people to do this shit to, why’d she have to bring him into this?
I drag my tired body into the house. When I get to the kitchen, Jessica is sitting there waiting for me. Breakfast, I promised her breakfast.
“You know, don’t you?” she whispers.
I swallow down my emotions. Then I move to take the seat beside her. She looks up at me through tear filled eyes.
“How long have you?”
“Since the morning I started working at the hotel. Well, that’s when I overheard her and Cousin Corinne. I knew for sure about a week or two later.
“I didn’t know how to tell you. She used me to steal your life, your happiness. Once I started to put the pieces together, I was sick to my stomach.
“What kind of monster would do something like that? I felt so disgusting and used. I still feel that way.
“Like, who am I? I don’t know where I belong. I feel like nothing, like something she used to hurt the people I love and nothing more.”
“Hold on now. I’m going to stop you right there. No matter what, you will always be my baby girl. I’ve loved you since the day you were born and will always love you.
“When I packed my shit to leave, you were right there with me. I kept my sanity because of you. I’m mad as hell, Jess, but not at you or the time I got to spend being your daddy.
“I’m mad that my family was taken advantage of on account of me. I’m mad I was manipulated for so long. I’m mad she hurt you and made you feel this way, but I could never be mad that I got to raise such an incredible young woman.
“You could never be nothing. You’re Jessica Monroe no matter who your birth daddy is. Cliff has always loved you like his own.
“He may not know you’re his baby, but he’s been there to help raise you and would do anything for you. You belong here, with your family. Always have, always will. I’ll leave it up to you to decide how you want to handle this,” I say.
“I want him to know,” she says softly.
“Then we’ll tell him.”
“I hate that she used me to hurt you. You’ve always been my best friend. I see the way you love Cakes, and it hurts so much to know she used me to keep you away from her, from that love.
“I’ve only ever wanted to see you happy. I hated the way she treated you. I hated the way she treated all of us. It wasn’t right,” she sobs.
“Come here, sugar,” I say and open my arms. She gets up and falls into my arms. I kiss the top of her head. “It’s all over now.
“She won’t ever hurt any of you again. You let this go. If you ever need to talk, you come to me. I’m still your daddy. If not by blood, by heart. You’ll always be my little darlin’.”
“I love you, Daddy.”
“I know, baby girl. I love you too. Hush those tears. I’m not going anywhere. You will always have me. Me and your father have already learned to share you. Nothing is going to change,” I say.
“I swear it on my heart. You will always be my little Jessie.”
“Thanks, Daddy. I needed to hear that.”