“What does this have to do with this?” I say pointing to the papers in my hand.
“Bobby was involved with Walter’s final experience. Walter admitted to being sent to harm Lynn. All he could give was a last name.
“Lancaster,” I bite out.
No wonder Bobby had that look when he asked for Donna’s maiden name. I stand, ready to storm out. Brooklyn, Czar, and Logan surround me.
“Now, mate, would be the time to harness that temper. Yes, we can clean up after you, but that only makes our lives bloody harder,” Uri says.
“Sit down, my friend. Room full of killers, da. Are you one of them, Net?” Misha adds.
“Nor are we asking you to be. There is more but I don’t think tonight is the night for me to dump all this information on you.
“Remember, I’m taking a burden and handing over a gift. Don’t do anything you will regret. Her fate is sealed,” LaSalle says.
“She will be hushed. We’re just putting space and time between your incident and her demise,” Uri says calmly.
“This can’t fall back on you. I want it done clean,” LaSalle says.
I clench and unclench my fists, wanting to punch through a wall or something. First, she sent that letter, then she sent someone to attack Lynn. What the fuck else has that psycho done? They have a fucking file and feel they need to drip-feed me.
“When you do take her out, I want to watch,” I say through my teeth.
“If that’s what you want, but if I allow that, you’re in deeper than you are now. You become an accomplice. Any plausible deniability floats out the window.”
“Then call me guilty,” I snarl. “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Is that how you put it?”
“Have it your way. It will be messy. As will be your demise if you betray us,” Uri says.
“You have nothing to worry about. I’m a man of my word.”
“Which is why I like ya. Let’s head back to the party,” Logan says.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” Ryan Black asks as he comes over to sit beside me.
Trevor took off to have a drink with LaSalle and Uri. Uri mentioned something about cigars. I’m not expecting him back anytime soon.
“Yes, I am.”
I’m having so much fun. Trev seems to be enjoying himself as well. My jaw almost hit the floor when he came out of the bedroom dressed in a Tux. Trevor Monroe cleans up nice.
He looked like a movie star. They all do. I’m surrounded by some fine men and gorgeous women. All unique and with their own quirks, but attractive in their own right just the same.
The rec center at the Billings ranch has been transformed into Club Black for the evening. I laughed when we stepped inside. They even have a sign hanging with the name.
“Good, we always want our friends happy,” Ryan says smoothly.
I side-eye him. Nellie told me this was the brothers’ idea. Something about payback or something. I’m amused to see what else they come up with.
This place looks like a prom or something. Sheer black fabric is hanging from the rafters, and lights and silver balls are hanging all over. There’s even a stage set up.
All the men are dressed in tuxes. The women are dressed to kill. I thought my dress was sexy, but Tasha and Val have taken the prize on that one.
I still can’t believe Tasha has a six-month-old. To be honest, most of the women here look like they work out or train or something. I sure wouldn’t pick a fight for sport with any of them.
“Have the ladies mentioned any plans for this evening to you?”
I lift a brow as I try to hold in my laughter. He’s really trying to pick me for information. I fold my arms across my chest.
“I wouldn’t tell you if they did. I’m insulted you thought I would snitch.”
“It was worth a try,” he says and winks.
He looks past me and blanches like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He jumps up and hurries off. I’m left chuckling after him.
“Hello, Lynn. I was told to come and retrieve you. Come with me to sit with the ladies. The bosses will be with Trevor for some time.”
I look up to find the woman with the pretty brown eyes. Although she doesn’t make eye contact much, her eyes stand out. They are large and bright, and she has such pretty natural lashes. She also has a cute nose and pretty mouth.
Her features draw your attention. They match well with her long dreadlocks. You can tell her dreads are well kept and cared for.
She tends to spend a lot of time with Sammy when I see her. Other than that, I’ve seen her mostly with Michael Donati. While I’ve noticed a wedding band on his finger, I’m not sure she’s his wife.