Uri, Logan, and Misha nod at me. They all take a seat, and Czar, Michael, Brooklyn, and Vlad stand. They each look at me as I listen to LaSalle’s words.
LaSalle continues. “Our captains are our eyes in this world of ours. They are always watching over the family. Our New York ventures will always connect you to one of these four.”
They all give me a similar gesture to the ones before them. I swirl my drink in my glass, knowing this meeting is solidifying my connection to this organization Brad has already connected with.
“If a time should arise where you want to branch out around the world, we can make that happen as well. Africa, Russia, Japan, Dubai, Australia, Ireland, Scotland, Italy—our reach knows no bounds.
“Nothing in life is outside of our reach. We are problem solvers. I will solve problems you don’t see and those you do,” he says.
“Do you know why he’s telling you this?” Uri asks.
“No,” I reply honestly.
“A request has been made on your behalf. After consideration, I intend to allow the request. When I take something, I give something in return.”
LaSalle comes over and hands me a key. I take it from him and examine it. It looks like an ordinary key.
“What’s this for?”
“A gift. You don’t remember conceiving your children. Tonight, when the function is over, that key will give you access to a cabin for you to know the feel of looking into the eyes of the one you love as you create life.
“We all know this memory you seek and would kill if that were taken from us. This is the one and only out I will offer. You take this key, you are taking all that comes with it. A gift has been given and a burden will be taken.
“When I take what’s due, you will turn a blind eye to it because we’re family. Hurting family will only hurt you. If you don’t think you can handle that type of loyalty, give me the key back and go.
“I will tell Brad it didn’t work out. We all go away. You are forgotten to us and we are forgotten to you. No harm, no foul,” LaSalle says.
“And if I choose to keep it?”
“There is more to that gift.”
“What more could there be?”
“I have done what you have asked of me,” Uri replies. “I looked into who you were married to.”
“Now we have a file. A file that reveals the answers you want. But I have a question for you,” LaSalle says.
“I’m listening.”
“You want answers, but are you ready for who those answers will make you? You can’t have one foot in and one foot out. I’ve been there, I’ve tried that. You are not going to like what we know.”
“I don’t ask for things I don’t want.” I place the key in my pocket.
There’s no turning back for me. I don’t understand all that’s going on, but I do know these people are holding pieces of my life that I need to have. I know there’s more to what Donna has done.
LaSalle looks me in the eyes, searching. When he finds what he’s looking for, he nods. Cody enters the room in that moment.
I turn to look at him and note the solemn look on his face. He hands LaSalle a manila envelope and takes a seat next to me. He hands me a different envelope.
I take it and open it. My blood begins to boil as I flip through and scan the pages. I can’t believe what I’m reading.
“I always allowed her and Elise to believe I told Cakes’ family about this. Although it would have led to the same outcome, the same hands, I didn’t go to them. I didn’t know the connection at the time,” Cody says.
“That night when we returned to the apartment from our date, we found Cakes shaken up. She had a bruise on her face, and she was still in shock. It took a few hours, but she told me and Elise she was almost raped.
“I went to LaSalle for help. I was his assistant at the time, but not for this side of the business. However, I knew who he really was. I had a motto back then. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
“I did my job and continued to mind my business. That earned LaSalle’s respect and friendship. I shared with him what happened.
“He hired Matthew to be her companion, no questions asked. She was my family, so she was his. Walter was found in Cuba with coke up his ass, slumped next to a pool,” Cody explains.
“Even then, no one wanted to cross me or my family. Everyone connected to him acted as if he never existed. I hadn’t known Lynn was Nate’s cousin.
“I still hadn’t become as thorough as I am now. You live and learn.” LaSalle shrugs.