I rubbed my index finger and thumb against my head. I pulled the phone from my ear and placed it on the kitchen counter, switching to loudspeaker. Lisa’s voice filled the room and for a brief second, I wanted to tell her that I would call her back some other time.

But I figured my friend knew me well enough - I'd definitely catch myself lying and trying to weasel out of this conversation. "I heard you loud and clear, Lisa. I won't waste my time with him anymore," I muttered beneath my breath, taking another swig of the bottle.

I wasn't just saying that to end the conversation. I genuinely have no desire to be with Leo anymore. Not after everything he did to me today. He disrespected me once again. “Please don’t, please don’t.” Lisa begged, my voice quivering.

Cassie's brows knitted. I tilted my head to listen. Could it be that my best friend was crying? Even if Lisa was crying, it wouldn't be out of character for her to be invested in my problems. I often cried when anything went wrong in her life.

I clicked my tongue and caught the last bit of soda. Then, I shook the bottle over my mouth, hoping for more. Finally, a small smile crossed my face as I tossed the empty bottle away.

“I won’t, babe. I promise. It’s all over. He declared it with his own words, and I have no issues here. What are you saying?That ifhe didn’t declare it, would you go back?” Lisa asked, my voice rising in what I suspected was either disbelief or anger.

I was about to say Lisa should trust me more when I heard a loud doorbell. I frowned. It was strange. Looking at my phone, I saw it was past nine pm. So why would someone be at my door now?

“Is that your doorbell?” Lisa asked and I nodded even though no one could see me.

The doorbell rang again and I panicked. “Alright then Lisa, I’ll call you back,” I muttered.

“Don’t forget to…”

Doorbell again.

I hurriedly ended the call and walked towards the door. I jerked when I heard the doorbell again.“Will you calm down?” I fired. “I’m on my way. What is wrong with you?” I snapped.

I walked towards the door, and I pulled it open with frustration, hating that it still shook. I had barely opened it when someone fell face flat, right into my house. I froze. I had to be dreaming. There was no other explanation for what was happening. Bending down to touch his back, the smell of alcohol hit me strongly. What in the world was going on?

I bent down to touch him, gently tapping his shoulder. "Leo? What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. "I'm trying really hard, but I love you!" he slurred, then rested his face back on the floor. I froze.

“What is he doing here?” Lisa would kill me if she heard that I had allowed Leo into the house. Hadn’t she said it was all over? I let out a breath and extended my hand to help him up. "You're drunk, Leo. Come with me," I murmured quietly and guided him inside the house.

I swallowed and held him, helping Leo stand on his feet. He swayed slightly, his eyes glassy and red. I swallowed again, my eyebrows knitting together in worry. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was past 9 PM! What was he doing in my house at this hour, and drunk, no less!

Oh no! Lisa would be so mad at me. But I couldn't just send him away if he came all the way here. Did he drive here? "Hey Leo, what's up?" I asked, walking to the window to check if I could see his car in the driveway. My heart raced as I noticed a black Mercedes Benz parked in my driveway. Concerned, I turned to him. How had he managed to drive in this state?

He smiled at me, his blue eyes lightening up disturbingly. “I’m not drunk I. I’m depressed. I’m very depressed!” He groaned, digging his fingers into the curls of his hair. I let out a breath and held his arm. He leaned on me for support and I led him towards a couch.

“Why Leo? What’s going on?”

I gently put him down and he leaned back, tears spilling from his blue eyes. He grabbed my wrist and my eyes widened slightly."I... I just... I just couldn't stop thinking about you. I needed to see you. Oh no!" He smacked his forehead. He looked away before turning his eyes back to my face. “I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’ve run away from it for so long but I…”

I stepped backwards and blinked. My mouth fell slightly open. The wheels in my head were spinning so fast, I thought my knees would buckle and I would fall. This had to be a joke. There could be no other way.

Without saying a word, I turned around and went to the kitchen. I quickly opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. He drank the water and is now confused. As a result, he can't think straight or speak clearly.

I slammed the fridge door shut, leaning against it. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, hoping to steady my racing heart. This was insane! Clutching the bottle, I swallowed and headed to the kitchen to prepare some lemonade for him. Returning to the living room, I handed him the glass. "Here, drink this. You need to stay hydrated."

He stared at me blankly for a moment. His eyes widened in shock. Then, he took the lemonade with a quick nod. As he took a few sips, I couldn't help but notice his disheveled appearance. It struck me how much worse it was compared to the other day at the office when he snapped at me. His overgrown stubble and unkempt blonde hair suggested neglect. It was like he hadn't touched a comb in days.

Had he even showered? "Why are you being so nice to me?" he muttered, aggressively wiping away the tears streaming down his cheeks. "I was so mean to you at the office. After everything I said, I don’t deserve your kindness. I thought you would yell at me."

I stared at him for a moment, then sighed and sat down beside him, tightening my bathrobe. As I looked him over, a wave of pity washed over me. "What else could I do, Leo? Turn you away in this state? You're a mess, and regardless of everything, if I can help, then I want to”

He turned to look at me again, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about the tears rolling down his cheeks. Leo wasn’t the kind of man who cried. I had never seen him shed a tear, even when we were dating in college.

I don’t deserve your kindness," he sobbed, clutching the bottle of water. "All these years, I've only been mean to you, and yet here you are still taking care of me. I gave him another once-over. Something felt off. That much was certain. He had disappeared, and now that he was back, he looked disheveled. And to top off it, he was drunk in my house?

I really wanted to care for him, but how could I? Wasn’t he mean to me when I tried to be nice? I bit my lip and blinked, hating that I was starting to tear up. Leo, I'm only being kind because you need it. However, that doesn't excuse how mean you were to me. All I wanted was to show you concern.

My voice sounded strong and confident, like something Lisa would totally dig. I held back a grin of victory. When he tried to grab my hand, I pulled it away and shot him a fierce look. I was dead set on my choices. I wasn't going to let him back in, no way. He glanced down, lips tight, deep in thought.