“Cassandra, you’re right. I shouldn’t have treated you that way. But I was just so lost and confused. My world had turned on its head, and I didn’t know how to handle it!” He groaned. I shook my head and let out a bitter laugh. “When I asked you to talk to me instead of pushing me away, didn’t you say you could handle your issues?” I sneered.
“I lied! I lied!”
His voice echoed around the house. He leaned forward, with elbows on his knees and fingers clutching his hair. I stared at him curiously, raising an eyebrow. "I lied! Because how do I explain that my Dad never killed anyone! It was my mother who did it and my father only took the fall?" He cried, his body quivering.
I blinked. That made no sense. I must have heard him wrong. “What did you say?” I leaned forward, my eyes filled with concern.He didn’t turn to look at me. His eyes remained fixed on the wooden floor as he spoke.
I had been getting some strange calls, Cass. They were about my past and threats to go to the press. That Saturday when I was supposed to meet you, I got the call again and they wanted to meet urgently. It was my Aunt Isabella who told me that my father never killed anyone. It was my mother who did, and he only took the fall."
I stared at him, struggling not to act shocked by every word he spoke. As he spoke, a couple things started to make sense. “I had to get confirmation from my mother and then end up seeing my dad who is sick and dying. Everything I had ever known was a lie !” He groaned, his fingers digging into his blonde hair.
Back in college, I left you. I was running from his shadows. But, I discovered that he was innocent. I swallowed hard and reached to rub his thigh, tears filling my eyes. Suddenly, it started to make sense that all that time back in school, he must have been carrying so much pain.
I had tried to reach him many times after they broke up. When I finally heard the news about his father’s supposed murder, he had cut everyone off. This included his two best friends at the time. However, he didn't launch more attacks. It was obvious that he was still reeling. I moved closer to him on the couch. My heart squeezed in my chest.
"Leo, I had no idea," I whispered. "You didn’t have to deal with it alone, Leo. You could have told me at that time..." He turned to look at me. I suddenly noticed how swollen his eyes were. It was as if he had spent many nights awake and crying. I should have told you earlier, but I was lost and confused. I was mean to a few people. So, I thought they might think I deserved it. Running away seemed easier.
I chewed my bottom lip and shook my head. Maybe it wouldn't make sense to Lisa, but my heart broke for him. "You keep doing it, don't you?" I said. "You fail to see how I deeply cared for you. I wanted to support you through everything. Yet, you lashed out at me for showing concern," I added, tears streaming down my face.
He lifted his hand to wipe away my tears, then withdrew, uncertainty evident in his blue eyes. A tear ran down his cheek, and I reached out to wipe it away. He trembled, tears freely flowing now.
He leaned forward, placing his head on my shoulder as he wept.
"I know it now, Cassandra. I wish I realized it earlier, even at the office. Fear and pain pushed me away. Every day, I regret not being with you. I wanted to go back, to have you by my side. But I didn't know how to act. I wanted you back. I'm sorry."I swallowed, frozen. Hadn’t I spent several nights on my bed, shedding secret tears and trying to get over him? And now here he was, crying on my shoulder. He lifted his head to stare at me briefly, finally lifting his fingers to wipe off my cheeks.
I swallowed, feeling a huge lump in my throat that refused to budge. He held my gaze, and for a moment, it felt like time had stopped. My heart thudded so loudly against my ribcage that I feared it would burst. I didn’t utter a word as his hand stayed frozen against my cheek. I didn’t offer any warning as his lips parted, and when he leaned in, I parted mine.
It was against all my good senses but who on earth was I deceiving? I was madly in love with Leo Woodrow and the feelings had never gone anywhere. He leaned in, and his lips met mine. It felt like a million electric shocks tingling across my skin. I kissed him back, unable to hold back a soft moan. His lips pressed firmly against mine. He leaned closer, his arms wrapping around my shoulders.
The kiss was all that was needed to unlock the well where I had hidden all the feelings I had developed for him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned forward, our kiss becoming desperate and urgent. It was an unfurling of both our souls that had been kept away for way too long.
His tongue begged to enter. I opened my mouth, letting his tongue travel and flick against my teeth and the roof of my mouth. It sent thrills down my spine. My fingers dug into my hair, moaning in pleasure as he moaned.
He was eager, and I was willing. His lips left mine and kissed my neck. Tilted back, I yearned for his touch. I felt warmth and trembled with excitement. He drew me in, kissing the collar of my robe.
His sudden grunt alarmed me. I jerked back, eyes wide with fear. He leaned back, equal shock reflecting in his blue eyes.I reached forward and tightened the knot on my bathrobe. I did it in a hurried and agitated way. “You’re drunk Leo, you should sleep. You should get some rest.”
He blinked, shaking his head. “I’m not drunk I. I’m depressed. Not…” I quickly stood up, interrupting him. My heart pounded. He seemed drunk. Why else would he be here, sharing so openly? Even if not, I'd feel foolish in California. Giving in to my needs, showing my pain to someone who hurt me.
"Cass..." he grunted. Tears filled his eyes again. I snatched my eyes away and hurried towards the corridor."I'll grab fresh towels and check for a big one for you. You need a shower," I whispered. Then, I moved forward. I sighed in relief, hearing his footsteps behind me.
While he was in the restroom, I took his clothes to the washing machine. I hoped this would calm my thoughts. I touched the tips of my fingers to my lips. I had kissed Leo Woodrow. Oh, what would Lisa say? I shut my eyes while the clothes were in the machine, my fingers pressed against my chest. He had his own burdens and he had carried them on his own in silence. I didn’t want to imagine how he had survived through it all and how he was currently surviving.
When I came back to the living room, he was tying the bathrobe I had laid out. It was clearly too short but would work until his clothes dried. Then, I smiled warmly at him. I had never seen this side of him. Ever. I had seen glimpses of it while they dated. But, nothing had prepared me for this rawness and vulnerability.
“You should sleep.” I muttered, pointing at the couch. There was no way I would allow him to share my bed. I could not trust my own body not to betray me.“I have a spare blanket and pillow for you.”
He smiled back, his blue eyes lightening up for the first time since I had seen him last week. “Thank you, Cassandra. I do not deserve?— “
“It’s okay.” I shook my head. “You know I’ll always be here for you. I was, and I will.”
He began to speak, but I felt a surge of fear. I dreaded hearing him express more feelings. It might stir up emotions I wasn't ready to face. So, I quickly fetched a pillow and blanket. Once he settled on the couch, he drifted off to sleep within minutes.
I couldn’t help staring at him, my heart thudding against my chest. In the soft lamp light, his features were less hard and domineering. They were more like the man I had seen tonight — vulnerable and broken.
I wanted to hug him and run my fingers in his blonde curls. I wanted to protect him from the world and the drama his family brought.And it was then it struck me.
"You can say whatever you want, Cassandra Evans. But, you’re still desperately in love with this man."